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Gladwell's geas


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Apparently the final task of the geas isn't imperative, so you could pass through without leaving any more enemies behind you. I thought I got a raw deal out of Gladwell, so I had to go back and whack him to get my just rewards. Since the last compulsion isn't that compelling, I just left the geas intact and kept the stat boon and carried on.

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The sequence recognized that the geas was still active, "You are occasionally forced to do things to help Gladwell." but not that Gladwell is dead. Forced to do things for who? Hell, I cleaned his Keep out, I might as well name myself Gladwell, and gladly do things to help myself, including smashing the orb when I choose. Besides, the way it was described, his geas was a pre-programmed set of instructions, so how could he make additional demands on it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still can't shake Gladwell's geas. I've gone through the back door, killed Gladwell and broken the crystal he was standing next to. And yet I still have the geas. I noticed a door as I came into Gladwell's keep that had a crystal stand. When I went up to it, it told me the crystal had already been shattered. Anything I've yet to do?

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