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how to obtain both Greta and Alwan after Harmony Island

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Sorry if this repeats other's posts. btw, I am at Harmony Island and now pro shaper just to get trained. smile I will be going to rebel camp next and not quite understand the walkthrough here. I heard that you can get both helpers to the next island - but how? Would appreciate if someone could give me tips on that.


Which would be more beneficial in the next island - pro shaper or pro rebel? And if I have been given pro shaper opinions, how should I remedy that for pro rebel training?


I actually feel pro shaper at Harmony Island - as D. said - he was not a god.


From what I read, the rebel started from the gatherers (they are not serviles, right?) not the poor serviles.


thanks all.

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If I remember correctly, the trick to get Greta and Alwan to accompany you past Harmony is to not kill the rebels. If you kill them, Greta will abandon you when you get ready to leave for Dhonal's Keep.


I think someone mentioned a scripting that would allow you to keep both, but I don't try those things.


Regardless of the paths you choose, you will lose one of your companions when you leave the next island.

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I will be going to rebel camp next and not quite understand the walkthrough here. I heard that you can get both helpers to the next island - but how? Would appreciate if someone could give me tips on that.
Alwan will leave you if you give Lanken(sp) in the Rebel Camp the blue canister he is asking for, and I think Greta will leave if you kill Lanken,

If you want to get to Dhonal's Island with both Alwan and Greta destroy the spawners, but don't give Lanken the blue canister.

Which would be more beneficial in the next island - pro shaper or pro rebel? And if I have been given pro shaper opinions, how should I remedy that for pro rebel training?
Once on Dhonal's Island it is at the point in the game where you'll need to start deciding whether you want to be a Rebel or a Loyalist. Unlike the other GF game, you can't stay neutral until the last minute in GF3.

A servile will contact you about fixing something for the Rebels, and will tell you that the Rebels don't care who you aid as long as you get the job done, so what you say will mostly determine who will train you more than what side you are on.

From what I read, the rebel started from the gatherers (they are not serviles, right?) not the poor serviles.
The Rebels on Harmony are gatherers, and most on Dhonal's are Serviles; you'll find out the rest.
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Originally written by Dragongirl:
Which would be more beneficial in the next island - pro shaper or pro rebel? And if I have been given pro shaper opinions, how should I remedy that for pro rebel training?
Dhonal Island is the capital of the area, so it should be obvious which side's trainers are more common there. wink

As for later parts of the game, you'll have to make your choice before you can leave Dhonal's Island. So you will not be able to sit on the fence much longer.
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One more question, I have made pro shaper opinions and now I read that there is a cheap trainer in the island for pro rebel. So, how many more opinions I need to give for her to train me? Most of the time, I give pro shaper ones up till I met Lankan.


I don't really care for canisters at the rebel camp, so that's fine but it would be nice to get train at D's keep for less.

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From looking through the script, it appears that, in addition to giving Fanjul a pro-servile opinion, your opinions as a whole must be below 90. If Fanjul says she's heard of you after giving her a pro-servile opinion, she will train you. Otherwise, the number of pro-servile opinions you must give/previously given is roughly 4, plus one for each pro-shaper opinion you've previously given, plus 3 if you've killed Lankan, and minus 3 if you've given Lankan the canister on Harmony Isle.



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On the second thought, who else would be the pro shaper trainer and who would be the pro rebel trainer?


If I want to be a purist, then does it mean it be a pro shaper?


I actually haven't made up my mind yet so I have been holding off using the past canisters so far. I wonder if it is possible to come back to the past areas and and use them if I wish so. However, if I get to the rebel side, wouldn't that mean that I couldn't get into San Ru again without having to fight through?


To what extent that the hostile reaction of shapers would go if I acted pro rebel (short of killing shapers of course)?


I am now at the point of leaving Harmony and not really sure about anything.


Please help.

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as i understand it, you can be a purist as either rebel or loyalist. purist just means you don't use the canisters.


you should have no problems whatsoever coming back later to use the various canisters, if you choose to do so later. so long as you mark down their locations somewhere, that is (otherwise, you'll spend a lot of time running around not being able to find the canister). from what i have heard, using canisters doesn't really make a very big difference in the ending.


i know that if you are pro-rebel, the pro-shaper trainer increases her prices, but i believe will still train you. also, some quests will not be available to pro-rebel players (and vice versa of course). and i think you might have to sneak into the inner keep instead of getting the quest to go in the front door (which i ended up sneaking in on accident as a pro-shaper anyways... i had more living tools than i knew what to do with at the time, and i was curious about the door, what can i say?)


as far as having time to gain a pro-rebel opinion, that depends on how strongly pro-shaper people currently perceive you. there are several opportunities to change people's opinions of you in the first area of the island, as i recall, plus there will be more as you go along.


as far as picking which side to join... well, that's your choice. whichever you like, really. in my opinion, they're all homicidal lunatics anyways... i generally just go the way of killing the rogues, personally (which, for the record, is certainly more pro-shaper than it is pro-rebel).

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I never exactly like the endings of GF anyhow -they all are unsatisfying to me.


Well, I will just play by ears then. Here at Harmony Island, I think D. is on the right. The rebelling didn't do anything good. Lankan is just a tool for Litalia. He might think he is doing a rebel work but it all comes down to serving either one shaper or another.


How did you guys get all the money for training? Even with my utilising the roamer marsh's vlishes advantage, I am still in need for some more coins. I don't dare to sell the gems or beautiful crystals for fear of needing them for some magic forging later on. How many of those forging do you actually do, btw?


I made the blessed necklace and that's it b/c I am not sure if it's worth the cost of those expensive ingredients.

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Originally written by Dragongirl:
How did you guys get all the money for training? Even with my utilising the roamer marsh's vlishes advantage, I am still in need for some more coins. I don't dare to sell the gems or beautiful crystals for fear of needing them for some magic forging later on. How many of those forging do you actually do, btw?
Items are plentiful in GF3, so sell everything but the ingredients you need. The first time I played I had a huge pile of stuff that I took from island to island, and I had very few coins. After that I sold everything I could find, and ended up with more than enough coins to train in everything I needed. You'll need a lot more coins after Dhonal's Island, so it's worth going back and picking up as many items as you can stand collecting.
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I did exactly that, but I haven't yet sold the excess armors and whatnots for I don't know if I would be needing them later on or not, ie I have now four sets of armors - each for fire, cold, energy, and poison - although I doubt that I will need them all but I like to be prepared.


So far, I sold the two girdles of insight since I like the student's belt better. Otherwise, I have three huge piles of items. I hope that by the end of the next island, I might be able to dispose some of them though.


Aside from the perfect stuffs, what else there is needed to be forged really?


I have done the blessed necklace early in the game to help me. I haven't done other forging yet.


What should I aim for so that I can begin to dispose some ingredients (such as gemstones and crystals)?

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Some advice to gain more cash:


1. Sell item enchantments. You'll need most powerful enchantments for your artifacts, but putting a fire resistance on every piece of armor is just a waste of cash. Don't use an enchantment unless you are planning to use the item for a long time.


2. Sell most gems and crystals. You can keep a couple gems and crystals for wand-making, but most of them can be safely sold.


3. Sell equipment that is not useful to your character. If you have a very good shield that you are happy with, you don't need a dozen other shields. Sure, a shield of cold resistance might come in handy, but are you really going to go back, searching through all 5 islands for it when you need it?


4. Go back to areas you've cleared and pick up all the loot you've missed. (If you are truely desperate, pick up every shirt and potted plant. smile )


That's all I can think of for now.

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Thanks for the advice. Yes, my problem is probably the hoarding of the gemstones. I started collected them and feel rather reluctant to depart from them. BTW, I actually picked up all the shirts and pot plants everywhere I went. laugh I guess it's just my dark side acting up in the non-real world. :p


I admit I find more joy in hunting for treasures than for rogues though. I also like finishing quests but not so keen on taking side for I think both sides need a bit of spankings to come into some sense.

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