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Changes for Sequel

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First off, I think that the series needs a shakeup in general. Its getting a little stale. But, having seen Jeff's post, stating all the new things he has planned, my fear has been disproven. Some specific changes.


A) Make Drakons worth the investment.


Drakons have always been the weakest of the 4th tier creations. The have a very modest multipronged range attack, and a melee attack that is bested by the other 4th tier creations. The Ur-Drakon is even more worthless, but so is the Rodihizion. The only the Eyebeast is worth it. This brings me to


B) Make it so that second versions of creations arn't just higher level for more essence, ie Battle Betas, Rodizions. I mean, cmon, you can do better than that Jeff.


C) Fix Terror Vlish. They got completely ruined in G3, with their attack . poisoning things, rather than terrorfying things.


D) Give the Fire creation set and the Battle creations some bonuses. In G1, you could argue that magic creations were the best, with Artila corroding, Vlish slowing, and Glaahks stunning. In G2, magical creations dominance was undeniable. In G3, it got a little better, with the addition of resistences, and Glannks becoming too expensive and weak, but Magic still was the most powerful.


E) Fix the Glaahk. Just because it was too powerful before doesn't mean it should be doomed to expensive worthlessness. Drayks were nerfed too, and they were still useful. It can be done.




F) Throw Gaurdians a bone. They have been consistently the hardest, with G2 providing a brief jockying for the spotlight against the Agent. The Gaurdian has the hardest time with locks and mechanics due to the weakness of their unlock, they have the same amount of essence as the Agents, which is almost rather small if one wishes to make creations, and they have a hard time dealing with crowds. G1 was fine, with the Gaurdians being harder but managable. G2 provided a viable means of crowd control with its overpowered parry, finally putting the Gaurdian on equal footing. In G3, parry was heavily nerfed. IMO, it could be slightly more powerful, but it would have been fine if, and only if, melee wasn't completely gutted. The base damage for G2 was 1-8. In G3 it was 1-4. This forces Gaurdians on higher difficulties to autimatically go missile weapons, which is unfair. Agents are able to have numerous different things they can do in a given situation, and Shapers have as many options as they do creations. Only Gaurdians are forced into one stratagey. This must change.

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Guardians were my personal favorites throughout

the entire Geneforge series. I don't believe they

need to be made any more powerful, no part of

any of the games was too difficult to the point

of being annoying. I also have never had to put

any points into missile weapons. Those points I

put into mechanics, rather than ever using the

unlock spell. So... throw your bones elsewhere.

Guardians don't need any help.

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Seriously? Don't make fun of someone for not being able to spell the name of an obscure fantasy creature. Man.


My relevant reactions:

A) I don't know about Drakons themselves, but Ur-Drakons should be given some magic of their own. Or essence. Something that sets them apart.

B) Yep.

C) Never bothered me. Then again, I make a lousy Shaper.

D) I hate the Fire/Battle/Magic categories. Think there should be some other way to divide up the skills.

E) I love Glaahk. They must be restored to their former glory.

F) Guardians don't really need an advantage. But I don't play the really high difficulies with Guardians. So I don't know.


Speaking of difficulty, I don't think you should be able to change it during the game.

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Originally written by VCH:
It's ironic but I usually play through G1-3 without using any creations. Guardians need no help beyond their sword.
That's a matter of play style. Some people appreciate the fact that the guardian is best at meleeing enemies an beleive that should be his primary focus.

Others beleive that creations are the way to go, no matter what. Therefore skill points spent bulking up his intelligence and creation skills (but no more than one should be raised higher than 3) will never be wasted.

And then there's those who have a distinct masochistic attitude toward the game and try a missile guardian. On torment. (Yes I'm looking at you, stareye.) They're crazy and their advice should be taken most of all because apparently, if they can win like that they can win with most any setup. :p
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Really, I finished GF3 with a Guardian and I'm finishing GF2 with, again, a Guardian. I never had very problematic situation, and I don't think that is SO difficult.


Well, I never used an Agent, is true, but it can be so easy? I mean, I found GF3 pretty easy using a Guardian : I rarely died, I had 180 Living Tools at the end of the game, I had very strong skills, I had all the Pods, Spores, the Javelins, the Thorns (etc...) in whole game (really, I never used its)...


So, someone that had played both with a Guardian and with an Agent, can tell me why the Guardian is the hardest?


(OFF-TOPIC)... I still remember my first game with Geneforge 1 demo... When I saw the 3 characters, I immediately escluded the Shaper. Then I see the Guardian and the Agent. And when I saw an expensive Healing Craft skill and the very-low-cost on the Combat skills, I made my choice.


Well, maybe that happened because my pas. We always play RPG in two-player on Playstation (games like Diablo, you know) and I always be attracted to the strong, fierce warrior. My brother, instead, always chosen a Mage, because he was always attracted to all the kind or types of magic.

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lol give the guy some slack have you thought about any of the good points you want to say is good and not just point out all the bad stuff else you wont get anywere if you just say what you dont like he will probably take them out and replace them with other things... therfor say what you like and what you would like in the next one and then add what you dont like because if i were him id end up thincking you dident like any of the game (just a suggestion)


P.S. and magmadragoon i went straight for the shaper because i love magic and i thought the graphics are better lol

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Agent is easiest for me, and my preference. I always play an Agent first. I hate having to lug around a bunch of creations to fight for me. Guardian is second best, because of the weakness of his magic, but still a good character. I've beaten GF2 with a Guardian fairly easily. I'm still working through a replay of GF3 with an Agent, so I don't know how a Guardian will be in that game yet. I don't much want to use a Shaper though, as my GF2 Shaper was disappointing. I just don't like having to do what a Shaper character entails.

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There's always room for re-balancing, but on the other hand, it's not as though this is Starcraft, with infinite replayability in online multiplayer arenas. If Guardians are a bit harder than Agents, why is that a problem? If Glaahks are weak, maybe they're the price you pay for specializing in Magic Shaping (Gazers being the delayed reward).


I like Glaahks and Terror Vlish, too — don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that perfect balance isn't really the point, as long as things aren't ridiculously out of whack.


And, anyway, the way to freshen up the series after 3 installments is not just to tweak all the balances or give Rotdhizons a ranged acid attack. Jeff will need to make more significant changes than that — and it seems that he is making them. Those will probably mess up the balance again, anyway.

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