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draky psychology

Upon Mars.

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well drakys were or not shaped from natural beings is what i meant i am sorry for my not very advanced eloquence.

if all creation where not build from pure essence could this explain the rogue thoughts in a creation. So that could explain why creations if not under the the control of a shaper: that would explain why creations are meant to be at a surtain degree free.

and if all drakys where all banned to create why shapers create living crafts which are allterations of drakys?

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Well they are pure creations. In GF3 on the loding screen, it has a picture of a drayk that says "base material fyora". They are a highly modified fyora, but I suspect the idea of a fyora was based on a living creature.


The Drakons or modified drayks are technically banned. Some shapers have just no respect for the law.

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After drayks were created, in GF1 there is some mention when you meet one, it was decided that they were too intelligent and independent. Thus drayks were barred as a new creation, but existing ones were sometimes allowed to continue out their natural lifespan in isolated regions like Sucia Island.


By GF2, the drayks had used shaping techniques on their offspring to create the first drakons. These drakons both bred and used shaping to create the ur-drakons. It is the ur-drakons that were responsible for the Rebellion.

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Originally by opon mars:


if all creation where not build from pure essence could this explain the rogue thoughts in a creation. So that could explain why creations if not under the the control of a shaper: that would explain why creations are meant to be at a surtain degree free.
From what I remember as the gist of previous debates, complex creations like drayks and drakons are grown in vats and other equipment. This gives them greater longevity and doesn't tie up a Shaper's essence. It also gives them more intelligence and free will.


and if all drakys where all banned to create why shapers create living crafts which are allterations of drakys?
I've wondered this myself. Either living crafts are so different from drayks that they are still allowed, or Jeff made an error.


i am sorry for my not very advanced eloquence.
I can see some improvement already.


Just one thing: the creation you are talking about is a drayk, not a draky. Dikiyoba keeps reading this topic title as a corruption of "Drakey [Drakefyre] psychology". Marathon levels and vahnatai, oh boy!

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Well living crafts are special sort of draky so their function could be only there to obey a shapers commands and to store maps and destinations to disembark goods and passengers so there minds wouldn't be as evolved as the draky's are. Draky's were made to be extremely resilient, physically tough, and smart in time of war a draky would be the prime battle creation working out how to break down enemies defenses and lines. This free thinking ability may have made them rouge. Any way so what would have first shapers shaped out of to make a draky or a fiery creation and as i am at it what would be the other creations shaped out of ?

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