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where did the humans " all outisders and shapers "came from

Upon Mars.

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Man was always there. In Genefprge 1 you learn that some men learned how to use magic to change (shape) existing creatures and to create new ones using essence. Some of the creations were able to reproduce to simplfy the process. Serviles are one such creation that can be created by using essence or self reproduce. There is no mention about the base stock for serviles.

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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
There is a little bit about serviles being shaped from humans. Clois in the marshes of G1 says something to that effect. It's not proof of it, though.
I too have yet to see proof either way.
Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
In G4 you find out that battle alphas and battle betas share the same stock as serviles.
I'll take your word on it, since the Windows version isn't out yet.

It wouldn't surprise me if Thahds were also shared the same base as well.

Here's an interesting idea I had once: Serviles, Thahds, and Battle Alplas/Betas/Gammas are all humanoid-type creatures. Since they're all basically similar, they all needed a similar base creature(s). The most convenient creature would be another human. Assuming all this is true, and factoring what you learn in the various ruins on Sucia Island, here's one interesting conclusion: If the humanoid creations all have the same base, the early Shapers may have modified their enemies to make them into servants.
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It is indeed my reply, as the ill could only warp life: they couldn't create it. And I agree that the ill changed the living to do their biding. And the the ill became the ones that did not kill. (well shapers did kill ocasionly but they were not evil terminators.) Cloris is probably a fool but since the ill warped life and heustess is the living proof of the warping of man, serviles were once probably men.

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