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I finished as a rebel, so I could see how powerful I could get. I used every canister I could find. I didn't have real strength until I was most of the way through the game. Oh yeah, Agent with one creation. I was not able to use the Geneforge frown It would have been satisfying to be able too. And you don't get to see the creature behind the door (it's not a new creation anyways.) I found it somewhat anticlimactic. I did enjoy all those canisters though.


I did enjoy the game overall. It was very well done and had a pretty good story. I think I will play as a Shaper who is loyal. Maybe if I kill the rebels I can use the Geneforge (doubt it.). I liked it though, and it was worth the wait smile

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I just finished with a loyal shaper character that used canisters... the ending fight was fun but it was not much of a challenge for my group, which only included my lvl 37 shaper, upgraded Alwan, and a super Rotdhizon pet. I was left wanting for more..


Before I left to see the ending I stumbled on a treat that made it all worth while. Take your left and right access bracelets ( I found them in the last areas off golems) to the small island north of Khyryk's Tower. Fight through the first rothgroth infested level and use the bracelets to travel to the caves below.


This level is the challenge I was looking for and truly a treat.. the final boss is incredibly difficult and I prevailed only by good strategy, killer dual eyebeast creations, and luck. Good luck to everyone attempting this place! You won't regret it.

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(I mentioned this in another thread, but after spending the last two weeks away from the forum and playing this game, I'm gonna repeat myself. Sorry. smile )


I finished as a Loyalist Shaper with pro-servile ideas. Tried to use the Geneforge and died, which makes sense since in GF1 we needed the special gloves, and over there the character knew how to use it, not now.


The final fight, a Shaper of level 38 (or 39/40, don't remember), two Drakons and a Rothgroth and it was a piece of cake. I did the whole level in combat mode, never had to leave the place to rest, found the fights with the serviles by the pools excrutiatingly easy and the one against Litalia a piece of fluffly cake. I was hoping for something more challenging against Mr. A. Blade and didn't get it (I fiddle with the controls and some of the creations he made turned against him, which in a very very very cool irony, it was a Spawned Rothgroth who gave the final blow, not one of my guys)


DeuXX: I agree with you 100%. The Monastery Caves is the region to beat. The whole thing is hellish. (the only thing missing was Power Core kind of damage). The final boss was tough, but I had a tougher time killing the three Stambling Rothgroths (the ones to the north), the Alpha Creator managed to create three sets of helpers, the Rothgroth, the Ur-Drakons and the Eyebeasts, but the latter two stayed in their platforms and harldy bothered me. So, with only two recently created Rothgroth (I did that regiong in three trips, each with newly created creations) who were speeded up, battled up and shielded, and my Shaper doing a little extra damage, we defeated the thingy (a Gazer was in the rear covering our hides from those annoying Spawns who appeared every three miliseconds (or so it seemed smile )




Did any of you deactivate the Spawning Machine in the Monastery Caves? I tried with a Mechanical Skill of 18 and got that the message that it was too low.


Edit: Oh, and I loved this game (as usual with Jeff games) except for maybe a few tougher regions in the end (and I'm gonna hate saying this, but: even though there were some annoying regions, like the caves in Greenwood, I missed the really annoying ones like the Mines and Power Core from GF1. Yup. I hated saying that.) and some fiddling with the dialogue trees, it was a truly wonderful game. Too early to say how it stands next to GF1 and Gf2, but I really liked it (I pull during the weekend a near 48 hours marathon (a good chunk of it went to the entire Dholan Island (cool Island!!!)


(Actually, I just think, in general, that the Island of Spears was a bit dissapointing compared to the others, what about you guys? Is this too off topic? Should there be a thread for general comments like this?)

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I ended as a loyalist agent with no fourth tier creations, just two cryos, a roamer, and a drayk. I never got Alwan, because I didn't realize I could pick him up in the beginning and then when I learned that he was the other perty member, I was already too leveled up for him to be of any use to me.

The final battle was not too difficult, I augmented and essence armoured everyone beforehand, making the battle a breeze. I am stll searching for the left access bracelet, then I'll check out the bonus round.

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Originally posted by blessed spigot cascade:

Did any of you deactivate the Spawning Machine in the Monastery Caves? I tried with a Mechanical Skill of 18 and got that the message that it was too low.


A mechanics skill of 20 is needed to deactivate this machine.


Originally posted by shell:

I am stll searching for the left access bracelet, then I'll check out the bonus round.


This bracelet is in the Benerii-Eo Vat Core, at the center of the level. Several golems guard it.



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Loyalist singleton Agent, on Torment. I'm leaving the Monastery Caves to last; I just finished The Geneforge.


Litalia was easy, but not really disappointing -- she took a lot of Kills, and there's just not much that could survive against 18 AP, a high Quick Action, and a convenient doorway nearby.


I didn't have enough mechanics to turn Akhari Blaze's creatures against him; I just turned them off. But Akhari Blaze himself was by far the toughest monster so far, because he was fast. If I had forged the Avenger's Ring before meeting him he might have been a lot easier, but as it was he had me beat on Quick Action, and I had to do a lot of running back and forth to keep him from killing me.

I thought he was quite a decent final boss (not counting the Caves) -- much more impressive than Easss, who went down to straight Kills even on Torment, because he got so stunned.


I liked just pouring the Geneforge down the drain. After all that explosive fuss in G2, as the improbable effect of tossing in the special gloves, this was unexpectedly neat and sensible.


If I used the Quicksilver Bulwark I could get 19.5 AP, but I don't think it's worth it. The Essence Aegis is more help to me.

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  • 2 months later...

I am playing a purist rebel-- no canisters. Basically focusing on creating all of the items. I have a lot of stat boosting items. I was wondering about turning off the summoning platform-- 20 points of mechanics is a lot of mechanics. I have cleared the level. Just have to kill the alpha creator. Any ideas on getting more mechanics skills. Have made the infiltrators ring, have tinkers bauble-- necklace (not sure if this is right), and tinkers gloves. Would like to kill the alpha creator without being pestered by the summoned critters.


Have played with a fyora level 35, level acidic roamer 28, maxed out Greta, and my character.

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