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Canister happy

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Canisters are of course one of the best things in Geneforge, because no RPGer can resist an instant stat boost or new ability. The swirly green look and that sound effect become Pavlovian after a while. What's great is that this mimics nicely the addictive effect that the canisters are supposed to be having on your character. It's a cool gimmick.

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I managed when playing the G3 again to play as shaper.I tried to not use canisters but couldent resist using 2 of them to learn to create gazer and dracon.Strange nobody noticed nor my skin glow.


Is it becouse I used only 2 canisters not a pile of them why nobody notices it and my skin doesen't glow?

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Fools. Self-Shaping grants power without sacrifice, which is analogous to a five-year old that shoots fireballs. It corrupts the mind and eliminates the capability for rational thought, if done sufficiently. It engenders arrogance, anger, and contempt, disgust, and the need to conquer towards those who have not partaken of it. It is an abomination.

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Originally written by LakiRa@:
Canisters are so much better than training that always when I see a canister I regreat playing as loyalist.
You can always cheat so it the game thinks you've never used any. This will then give you the best of both worlds--great training from loyalists, and canister addiction with no ill effects.
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