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I have been using some of the canisters found around the game and I have now found that they have a side effect that I really don't like. My character gets angry with lots of people and automatically starts fights that I don't want to have. I met an agent on gull Island and she attacked me because of what my character had done, using the canisters. I want to be on the shapers side but some of them don't like me because I used the canisters, and my character starts fights with servile rebels who wouldn't otherwise fight me. Is there any cheat to make it so that my character never used the canisters?

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Originally written by Seletine:
Press the Shift and D keys, and type the following into the prompt:

sdf 100 4 0

When done, the game will think that you haven't used any canisters, but you will retain the skills the canisters gave you.

now that i have GF3 on windows, i need to remember this one...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe that leadership skills help you deal with sticky situations. I use all the cannisters I can get, and I've been all over Dhonal's island, and no shaper types have attacked me (though the game does say that I get angry at people sometimes).


Generally, if you want to be able to talk your way out of fighting, up your leadership. Otherwise wade in and kill them all.

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