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Best Character For GF1

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I'm pretty confused with the skills, because the cost don't goes up. So, for the first time, I have doubt: Guardian or Agent?


My vote, anyway, goes at Guardian because, as Dikiyoba suggested, is the character that I always used.

And because I want to finish all GFs with Guardian.


Oh well, very probably I'll choice Guardian, but anyway I want to know what is the best character for GF1.


PS: I haven't included the Shaper because I would never choose it. I want to fight, I don't want that someone fight for me. smile

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I finished GF1 with all 3 types on torment.


A Melee Guardian on torment is doable, especially since you can find some help for magic skills really early on. I recall playing my Guardian with the Agent cloak. Getting that 100 energy for haste is a real turning point, because what a Melee Guardian needs most of all is action points.


In some cases with tough melee enemies, the best melee strategy is strike, then back up 7 AP. The enemies run to melee range, but don't have enough AP left to strike.


I think agent was the easiest character at the end, because greater daze was just broken. It never failed, even on the strongest of enemies. So as long as your energy/essence held out, you could attack, daze, attack, daze, etc., and the enemy never gets a chance to hit at all.

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In G1, there are also less spells, so the Agent doesn't have nearly as many to rely on. Besides, you are used to playing as a Guardian, so you will be more comfortable playing as a Guardian.....


From Dikiyoba


But when a agent use magic, it is very effective cos magic consumes spell energy, and since it consume verry little(Most magic are) and it recover over time. and when you use guardian, you are likely to get hurt, even if you use missle attack you will eventally run out of batons or javalines

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Well, essence pods are less prevalent than healing pods, anyway. I don't think there's a shortage of them, though.


(And it's not like it's difficult to replenish essence anyway. I just needed to point out that the Agent can't endlessly throw spells, with the exception of firebolt.)


Dikiyoba really needs to get a save file near the end of the game for G1 and G2 so that these questions are easier to answer.

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I finished GF1 with over a dozen essence pods for my agent in torment. The trick is to know when to use swarm crystals instead of essence orbs to save essence in combat. I have left an area when I'm low on essence before clearing it to save pods. Once you get to the mines just produce swarm crystals instead of wands or a shaper sword.

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