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Hmm, making a FAQ/Walkthrough was brought up before. It was potentially going to be a group effort. I think we should put one together, so I can refer everyone to it :p


Edit: Come to think of it, I will put together a FAQ for some of the most common questions. I started school today, so give me a few days.

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Do you, and/or anybody else who has been taking notes, want to combine our notes and make one faq/walkthrough?


I am making lists of locations of the following:

canisters, books, trainers (including costs and required alignments), special items, charms, some other powerful items. I am also writing down my solutions to areas I find particularly tricky.


I've just finished Harmony Island, so it will probably be a few weeks until I finish the game and have complete notes, but if you already have notes on some of the things I am taking notes on, I can get through the game faster.


PS If you want, you can format your notes and walkthroughs and e-mail them to me and I'll combine them with what I have so far to start a webpage similar to my A2 and Nethergate pages (both of which are based on Shrodinger's faqs).

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Dolphin, I've PMed you my notes so far, so that you could compare them with yours. I forgot to mention in my PM, could you also send me any notes you have on the stuff I am taking notes on for the rest of the game (Dhonal Island and forward).


Anybody else, if you want to help with the FAQ (anything from note-taking and writing walkthroughs to web design), please PM or e-mail me.

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