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Is GF3 worth for the waiting after you play it?

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If you liked GF2 and wanted to play more of it without much alteration, then you'll probably like GF3. If you liked GF2 because it had new creations and new factions, you may be disappointed by GF3. If you didn't like GF2 but liked GF1 for the discovery and exploration, you may like GF3.


I personally think I'm going to play some Blades scenarios for a while until I get bored with that, and then I'll probably play GF3, but then, I was always more of an Avernum fan than a Geneforge fan anyway.

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Originally written by Kelandon:
If you liked GF2 and wanted to play more of it without much alteration, then you'll probably like GF3. If you liked GF2 because it had new creations and new factions, you may be disappointed by GF3. If you didn't like GF2 but liked GF1 for the discovery and exploration, you may like GF3.

I personally think I'm going to play some Blades scenarios for a while until I get bored with that, and then I'll probably play GF3, but then, I was always more of an Avernum fan than a Geneforge fan anyway.
Maybe it's because you can play avernum so much longer. I have good memories of playing avernum. Well, I guess I could say the same for geneforge but it sucks now, and even though I haven't played any spiderweb games for months, I would choose avernum over geneforge. As I said in another post, probably cause it has monsters that respawn. Plus you can have more than 1 PC.
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I've purchased Geneforge 3 and am having a blast! It feels more polished than G2. It includes a lot more unique enemies, and some NPCs that can tag along, often inserting themselves in conversations. They seem more engaged that NPCs from Baldur's Gate, but less so than Baldur's Gate 2.


My only real complaint is that I'm not a big fan of the new shaper avatar. I think I liked the old one better.


As to whether it is worth the wait - that's a very hard question to answer. I think it was, but others will surely disagree. The person above who mentioned that if you liked G2, than you'll really like this one, is right.


I also think that the factions seem to be more brutal, all of them. None of them are really well-meaning - they're all power hungry and taking an "any means necessary" approach. Don't expect to get a lot of warm fuzzy feelings from this game. In all likelihood, you'll genuinely despise aspects of the faction you've joined.



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Yes. I like the 'shapers versus power-hungry maniacs' theme. It's a big theme. It'll hold up for a few more games beyond this one even, as far as I'm concerned. The developments in G3 seem to be interesting but inevitable in retrospect. I


like the technical elaborations in the engine.


And I like how the various NPCs all seem closer, somehow. Maybe it's just that more of them have more in common with the PC, but folks like Master Hoge and Diwaniya seem more understandable and sympathetic than people like Barzahl or Ellrah. Maybe what it really is, now that I think about it, is that the mid-level NPCs are given a lot more personality than in the previous games, where practically only the sect leaders had anything much to say.

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Originally written by Mr.knowitall:
This question is for MAC user. After playing GF3 is it worth it for many months of waiting?
I can't answer this question, because I'm a window user,so I have to wait 'till summer....
Would we have had a choice anyway? Technically, we all wait for everything, whether we want it or not.
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If you liked GF2 and wanted to play more of it without much alteration, then you'll probably like GF3.
If you liked GF2 because it had new creations and new factions, you may be disappointed by GF3. If you didn't like GF2 but liked GF1 for the discovery and exploration, you may like GF3.
I didn't really take much of a shine to the new creations in GF 2, and wished they had stuck with the originals. To be honest, I have fonder memories of GF 1. The plot was more... intriguing, and the atmosphere was more 'tense'. You were totally alone, had a hell of a lot to explore, and could use the Geneforge.

I can't wait for GF 3. At least they haven't added more uncreative creations (Drakkon? Eyebeast? Give me a break!)
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