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Return of Barzhal?


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Uh... I don't think you guys get it :p because I forgot to mention that the fact that he it would be cool if he somehow miraculously survived, by making a creation of himself or something in GF2, and everyone thought he died cool so then he returns and begins competing with the rebels in making some really powerful thing that will turn the tide (like the geneforge) but he beats them to it and begins winning the war and the rebels and shapers have to unite to survive.(just a thought) :rolleyes:

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Actually, another Geneforge wouldn't be so bad. However, it has to be something the main character can use. If the main character can't use it, then I don't really care. There's no last minute decisions to be made. (Do I use it or destroy it? Or do I use it and then destroy it?) It's just destroy it and go home. The decision would be even more interesting if there were bonus sections that could only be accessed (or possible to beat without major effort) once the Geneforge had been used.



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A mock geneforge would be interesting. Perhaps the main char has to do some huge quest in order to use said Geneforege. But when the char uses it nothing happens beyond killing the character. I realise it would need to be more dramatic than that. But still a little side quest centered around a fake geneforge would be interesting.

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I like the way you think, VCH. The PC should play a part in making the Geneforge, since, so far, it's been completed by the time the PC shows up. Here's a mock recipe for the Geneforge:

- Mined Crystal (100)

- Purified Essence

- Liquid Puresteel [abitrary new item]


As for a quest: having certain alignment to get a skilled Shaper to help you make the gloves; of course you need to go get the ingredients. I think the Forging Gloves ("Shaped Gloves" from GF1) would consist of the following:

- Shaped Gauntlets

- Purified Essence

- Flawless Shard (2)

And then, that skilled Shaper may decide to try to use the Geneforge himself and kill off the PC.


I'm being just as much of an idiot as everyone else here by making up a GF plot, but I should point out that it's really easy to come up with a plot for this ... given the history, characters, sects, races and creations, it's practically premade.

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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Actually, another Geneforge wouldn't be so bad. However, it has to be something the main character can use. If the main character can't use it, then I don't really care. There's no last minute decisions to be made. (Do I use it or destroy it? Or do I use it and then destroy it?) It's just destroy it and go home. The decision would be even more interesting if there were bonus sections that could only be accessed (or possible to beat without major effort) once the Geneforge had been used.

Agree. The first time that I see the Geneforge in GF3 I used immediately. Without saving first. I had figured it like a big, powerful canister. :rolleyes:

Originally written by Student of Trinity:
On the Shaper boards you get banned if you ask for help making your own geneforge. Read the FAQ.
Is a joke, it isn't? confused
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But then you'd need a source of essence for the computer, and the keyboard would mutate your internal organs, liquefying you, unless you wore the proper Shaping Gloves. Records of their creation have been long lost, but they say the Cryodrayks in Taker lands know something; they may tell you, for a price. Most Cryodrayks will give anything for a Flawless Shard, but those were all lost or destroyed in the War of the Sholai over a decade ago; rumor has it, though, that an imitation can be forged by a certain Servile smith, although he has been taken captive by the Loyalist Shapers, who would only let another Loyalist see him. Precious little time is left before his execution; perhaps one would talk to the esteemed Hepzibah of the Shaper Council about such matter. However, she has been on vacation for weeks, and she may have been killed in a Sholai guerilla raid two days ago. Also, the components necessary to make the Shaped Computer itself are exceptionally rare: 20 mined shards to mold into working parts, a Steel Breastplate to house the tower, and a Flawless Glaahk Scale for the monitor, and 12 Living Tools to construct it. Oh, and internet access is 2,495 coins a month. Thats with RuneCast High-Speed; you can get Shape-Oh-Ell service for 1,995 coins.


If you weren't sure about the Geneforge joke, you could have actually checked the FAQ.

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