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Get the most out of Sucia Island!


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I checked and didn't see any other topics where I could put this. Some spoilers may be below.


I just tested my theory and had a success. After being frustrated that the game was smart enough to have all loyalist Sholai know when I killed some of their buddies and tarnishing my amulet I decided to wait till getting to Crossroads where your amulet is taken away. I killed everyone on that map but left the amulet in the box. Then I went and cleared out Patrol Bridge. Got the amulet back from the box at Crossroads and not only was it pristine but none of the other Sholai were any wiser.


Based on this evidence I declare open season on loyalist Sholai! Sure, they may only gives 5 exp (with no creations) at level 18, but that Charged Sholai (800 hper) gave 60 xp! Also plenty of potions, gold, and javelines.


As an aside, I just killed an Ornk and it dropped a Gemstone along with meat. Is this because of my luck stat or are drops like this pre-assigned?

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Ah, those were the days... (takes a moment to zone out and wax nostalgic) In the Exile games, I'd always make sure to get some luck (usually around 5 levels), just so I'd have a bit of insurance for my PCs. Then towards the endgame, I'd try to bump it up to 20; when I had it maxed out, my PCs would rarely, if ever, die.


For the record, luck can save your life in Avernum (at least in A1 & A2); it just needs to be a bit higher.

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