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Salve et Servus fellow cannister-slurping, hyped-up, acquisitive killers-


First, on my last post, thanks for the feedback! Especially, as always, draykfire, for not only answering specific questions but putting so much work in to help the rest of us. To Wit: The RECIPES!


I'm near the end of the game, having destroyed the Geneforge, etc. Unlike GF2 and GF3 gameplay, I still have tons of uncompleted quests. Doesn't seem possible to join the sects after one another. Sniff. I love an empty quest list. Some are due to the Lakan fiasco. Others, well....Corrie is no more so the Clawbug Hunt can't get me a reward, Khyryk is on my side so no one survived to reward me if went back and pounded him into eccentric shaper mush.


But 1)what do you need to fix the shaper vat? I tried tools and equipment but nothing worked.


And 2) WHERE do you find a deep focus orb? And 3)deep crystal? I've wandered all over the place, going back to annoying areas that even hurt my 39th level loyalist agent and never a focus orb or deep crystal....Knowing my luck I found 'em and sold 'em thinking they were gems or something.


4) Is the clincher. I've got the entry bracelet and the fully bejeweled one that matches it (nice touch that from Jeff the 2 objects from beginning and end of game looking alike). But I still can't get into the room in the monestary. I'm hoping it is another dungeon. The bracelet glows and that's that. What am I supposed to do?


Which brings me to 5). This game feels much more like Arvernum or Exile to me than the Geneforge games. Maybe I need to play it again as another character before judging. But it seems much less intuitive. The Greiner thing, the special cannister, getting the the trainers to train you, reading the spirit book again and again in the ghost dungeon. Going back to the magic rune after every battle in the testing ground. Run from here to there and back, stand on your head wearing a pink tutu and yodle to make the magic spirits rise. Some people like that. For me it is a bit too much like debugging microsoft software. Or fixing a broken apple powerbook or modem router ("Hold the control option power keys for three seconds, then the power p+r+q+s untill you hear a rising sequence of notes taken from Sibellius, at the command line type "rm nvmem" then after ok dance a jig naked on fifth avenue with a banana in your ear before sending the

damn thing to the manufacturer for a replacement harddrive")


Again, I'll play another game to find out. But I killed Litalia TWICE. Er, well, I killed her in the Geneforge, then went back to the gate area that I hadn't cleared. And there she was, like a bad penny. Alive and well and stomping on me with the pylons I had planned to pick off one at a time. I smite her into oblivion and then get the message that she opens a whole in the universe and steps into it escaping. Where? Into the afterlife I had already consigned her to? And then I got an autosave bug near the end where I go back to get my experience from Lord Smugness (well I wish he or his wife would open up a bit more, If Khyryk has dirty pictures in his closet what do those two get up to?) but the map shows from the first island and won't change. Argggh.


Well, is this just my bad luck? Tell me it is so I can play it again and get more satisfaction. I'll rebel next time.


Cheers and thanks for any help or encouragement. :rolleyes:

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The Bejeweled Bracelet is not a match to the entry bracelet. There is a right and a left entry bracelet. You will need both to pass through the Monastery. Though I have completed this game several times I have yet to take not of where they are found. I think the second is be on the Isle of Spears.


The Deep Focus Orb is a purple ball, and you didn't sell it because it has a value of 0. Check within the Infested Moutains. If not there than Spharon's Lands.

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In fact, there's a hammer on a piece of furniture right next to said shaping vat. Rather convenient.


As Dolphin mentioned, it's impossible to sell the Deep Focus Orb. The same goes for the Deep Crystal, and a whole lot of the other items used to craft the artifacts.


The Right Access Bracelet is in Benerii-Eo Labs, while the Left Access Bracelet is in Benerii-Eo Vat Core.


With regard to Lord Rahul and Lady Anjali's private chambers, it's possible to sneak around back there and loot the place without angering anyone. The guards patrol around and often leave rooms unguarded for a few turns. Just haste your PC in combat mode and time things right, and you'll be able to avoid all the guards and obtain a whole bunch of nice stuff, including a Guardian Claymore, Puresteel Plate, a canister, and a few other things I can't remember.


An interesting touch in GF3 is the glut of Indian-sounding names for NPCs. Rahul and Anjali are both common Indian names, and Diwaniya and Lankan are likely Indian-influenced. Next thing you know there'll be an Anand in Avernum 4. :p


I agree that GF3 has far more of an Avernum-like feel than its two predecessors. There are tons of graphics in common with BoA as well. His work still brings me great enjoyment, but I wonder what it would take for J.V. to deviate even slightly from his well-established formula.

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BBB: Gull is all right until you get to the Monastery. You'll love that one.


Phrederic: I found a Deep Focus Orb near the end of the game, since I took no notes, I don't remember where, but it was in either Geneforge/or one of the two lab zones before it. Or in the Monastery Caves (that may have been it) I found only one Deep Crystal (the one that is all black?) and I forgot where (I suck! laugh )


I have a question about the game, it seems I can post it here as well:


There is a door in the. . . Infested Shores? (I'm blanking big time with the word, sorry) It's in Dholan Island, west of the "West Dholan Keep Gate" Region. In that region there is a door more or less in the SW. When I approached it the first time there was a spell that made me so afraid I couldn't open it. How do you get in? Do you have to join the rebels?


I liked the game, some issues with it, but one thing that annoyed me was that after I saved their sorry hides in Dholan, in Gull and in Spears, destroyed the Geneforge which not even Oh I'm a Mighty Mite Raul (Eat me please!) could, I can't get trained by Lady Love 'cause I spoke some bad things about the Shapers? I know this is nitpicking on a minute level, but. . . doesn't all the stuff that was done for them count? I guess not (heck in the ending I got the Shapers imprison me due to the fact that I used one or two cannisters. Well. . . maybe more like all of them! Cannisters! Cannisters! I understand that. They were protecting themselves, it's what they do. Oh, heck this rant is pointless.)

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  • 2 months later...
I agree that GF3 has far more of an Avernum-like feel than its two predecessors. There are tons of graphics in common with BoA as well. His work still brings me great enjoyment, but I wonder what it would take for J.V. to deviate even slightly from his well-established formula.
5). This game feels much more like Arvernum or Exile to me than the Geneforge games.
cool I believe that it was a good decision to bring some of the (non-linear) tactics of the earlier games into the click and walk (very linear) gene forge. This is bringing the product to its fullest amount of playability. Utill the next generation of controls for the charters is incorporated into a new series of the game.
Which will also start off simple, then add in game play, and replayability, then tactics.

smile I was personally ready for somthing more than another click and point book.
It was a good step in the right direction.

:rolleyes: Although a head's up would have been appreciaited.

laugh Thanks to all the members for their help.

laugh This one of the very few games out there worth its CD's weight in cash. Most aren't.

I liked the game, some issues with it, but one thing that annoyed me was that after I saved their sorry hides ... doesn't all the stuff that was done for them count? I guess not (heck in the ending I got the Shapers imprison me due to the fact that I used one or two cannisters. Cannisters! Cannisters! I understand that.
frown Actions should count as much or more than words.
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There is a door in the. . . Infested Shores? (I'm blanking big time with the word, sorry) It's in Dholan Island, west of the "West Dholan Keep Gate" Region. In that region there is a door more or less in the SW. When I approached it the first time there was a spell that made me so afraid I couldn't open it. How do you get in? Do you have to join the rebels?
There's nothing there. Could be that Jeff set out to do it later and forgot about it, or maybe he just didn't want to do it.
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Spoilers below:


When you are given the quest to kill Lord Rahul you are given the Summoning Orb. The result of walking up to Lord Rahul with the orb is not as the rebels intended it to be, and it ends up knocking you out instead. Lord Rahul has you thrown in jail, and when you make your great escape you leave through that door.

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Originally written by phrederic:

4) Is the clincher. I've got the entry bracelet and the fully bejeweled one that matches it (nice touch that from Jeff the 2 objects from beginning and end of game looking alike). But I still can't get into the room in the monestary. I'm hoping it is another dungeon. The bracelet glows and that's that. What am I supposed to do?

You have to have two entry bracelets one in the labs and one in the vat core on the Isle of Spears, as well as the bronze monastery key.
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