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Calls that we wish existed (part two)

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I think it is time to bring this back, now that Windows users have gotten a chance to see the BoA system. The final results from the old one are here .


Remember, the ideal calls to suggest are easy to implement and powerful once implemented. I don't think Jeff is going to do too much more to BoA in order to increase its capabilities, so we should keep these relatively mundane.


I still wish we had numeric input and missile animations. They are both simple. Numeric input is a short that requests a number from a player. You could save it as an SDF or a variable or whatever else you want to do with numbers. Missile animations would work much like the other animation calls right now, but they would send a missile animation from one spot to another. The calls would look like this, maybe:


void put_missile_animation(short source_x,short source_y,short dest_x,short dest_y, short which_animation)


short request_number()


I also wish we had a is_beam_on_space(short loc_x, short loc_y) that would return a 1 for yes, 0 for no, in order to make controlling beam projectors and mirrors and the like easier. Then again, I'm probably just dreaming with that one.



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The ability to get terrain properties.


i.e. in a terrain script, you put is_open_door = 1;


And the part of door.txt that checks to see if it's open could be replaced with if (get_terrain_flag('is_open_door')) { // ...


get_terrain_flag(property_name);, where the terrain it got the properties from would be the terrain the script was placed on. etc.

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I would like to see, well, not really calls, but just be able to define more stuff in custom objects scripts. I wish weapons and missile weapons could call scenario state when you attack with them. I also wish you could define custom fields and make custom sparkles and missile animations. That would allow designers to make much cooler items in their scenarios.


EDIT: Custom PC graphics would be dandy as well.

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This isn't a call, and I think somebody already requested this, but...


I'd really really really like to see item descriptions. We already have string properties for objects of all kinds - why not descriptions? There's even a spot for them on the item info dialog already; just have them replace the "This is an Object. It weighs 5 pounds." message, if they're set. And maybe have one description string for identified and one for non-identified.


The underlying framework is already there. It just requires a few small changes and additions here and there, and I for one would LOVE to be able to set item descriptions. And I'm sure every other scenario designer out there would as well.


Please, Jeff? Pretty please? smile

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Another call I would like to see is

short char_has_item_in_slot(short which_char, short_which_item, short_which_slot); 
You would also be able to put -1 for which item, in which case it would check for any item. This could sort of supercede char_has_item_of_class_equip, and that way you could check if a character has a weapon equipped, even if it came from another scenario.
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I'm hoping that eventually there will be more calls to control light, and the time of day (night, day, etc.) It just seems like that aspect (which could be very useful in designing) is almost entirely uncontrollable. What if I want time to stop, or for night to last for an eternity? The scenario Nightfall (at least I think that's what it's called) for example, would be impossible to import.


If we were granted enough control, I could make a piece of equipment that glows... I can see it now... "Gandalf's Lamp Post Staff +3"

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Yeah, lighting control would be nice. We were told that such a thing would be possible with scripting.


EDIT: I'm faking numeric input with HLPM v1.0.3 (not yet released), so I withdraw that request. I'd still really like to see missile animations, though. From the old topic, set_year and approach_location would be nice, too, the former much more so than the latter.

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