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Two questions, for now...


1. Is there a call to change a graphic for a character. For example, if I wanted to change PC #1 (Character 0) to a different graphic is this possible?

(Second Possibility) while defining a creature, is it possible to use if statements such as

if (get_flag(0,0) == FALSE)


cr_which_sheet = 1234;


if (get_flag(0,0) == TRUE


cr_which_sheet = 4321;


EDIT: Are the creature statistics only loaded once a scenario? or every new town? or battle? Anyone know how that works?



2. Is it possible to make a scenario check a seperate saved game at a given point (not a given point in the saved game, at a given point in the current scenario) to see if a SDF is true or false? (taking for granted that that saved game would be in that scenario currently)

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By #2 I mean:

if I have a scenario made, and then make another one that is supposed to take place after it, is it possible to check a SDF from the previous scenario?


EDIT: That is, if there is a saved game that is currently in the last scenario. Or, for that matter, is there any way to check ANYTHING from a previous scenario???


Oh and BTW, The entire reopening of an old discussion, I just saw the most recently posted thing, and replied to the wish list

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No, you can't check an SDF from a previous scenario.


As far as the other thread goes, my main point was that the posts were all from two years ago and clearly no longer relevant.


EDIT: You may be able to pull some black magic where you check an item from a previous scenario, but I'm not sure if this would accomplish anything.

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Why would anyone want to change a PC's graphic? If you were a PC, would you want the DM to change your graphic at will?


In regards to #2. Yes, it WOULD be nice to check SDF's. But how do you differentiate scenarios successfully? Also, if you did this, how do you tell the difference between scenario #1 0,0 SDF and secnario #2 0,0 SDF?


BoA is desgined so that the player has SOME control, and scenarios DO NOT interfere with each other. It is a headache to create a system of compatible scenarios without massive cooperation for the various designers.


A thought:

Jeff could assign an ID to each scenario to tell them apart. But if a scenario is never submitted to Jeff, but released via a homepage...

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There are reasons why we might want to (temporarily) change the graphic of a PC.


If you only need it for a cutscene, you could fake it by moving the PCs out of the way and replacing them with monsters that have the new graphics.


If you need it for more than that, I can't think of a way, but there might well be one. And even if you can't change a PC into a demon, you might well be able to add a demonic aura with suitable trickery.

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