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BoA Bugs


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Originally written by Seilike:
You can't have a variable called shop or pay.
That's not a bug. There have to be some internal variables to make the program work. The program will not let you, as the user, change a variable essential to the code. This is actually good programming.

I think we could rephrase this as follows:

Internal varables such as "shop" or "pay" should be listed in either the Documentation or Appendicies.
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Originally written by Dahak:
I do not understand that bug. I mean, I have no trouble reading outdoor signs. I'm running the latest BoA version on OS 10.2.8

Is it Windows only?
Quite possibly. I don't know if it affects everyone using the Windows version, though. I know I haven't been able to read outdoor signs with the latest version on Win2k or WinXP (two completely different computers).
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It is possible to walk between screens and be warped to somewhere totally nonsensical.


In VotDT, the first time I saw this happen, I was going back up from the deepest level of the school and then changed my mind. I wanted to take out a couple more altered beasts. Pop, something weird happens, and I am suddenly stuck in the cliff near the entry fortress.

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Is this still going? If so...


The call town_status always returns 0 (or possibly 1, I forget).


The infamous enter-combat-end-combat bug: you can get placed in totally nonsensical locations. If you enter and then end combat immediately, you get placed one space forward. This allows you to skip special rectangles extremely easily.


The call move_to_new_town can't be called from an INIT_STATE, a START_STATE, a creature script, or a terrain script, even if you distance the call from the state with set_state_continue, run_town_script, or run_scenario_script. This is exceedingly irritating in cut scenes.


Beam projectors malfunction wildly in close quarters, next to walls, in varying heights, etc.


I made a utility scenario to demonstrate a bunch of this, in case anyone wants to see it. I sent it to Jeff a while back, and I recently played it again with BoA v1.1.1, and sadly, it still demonstrates bugs just as effectively as it did before.

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A couple more things:


When a PC is next to a spot and you look at that spot, you search the spot. As far as I can tell, if the joined NPC is next to a spot, however, you don't search the spot. I'm not sure if this is a bug or just an intentional stupid thing.


As far as I can tell, if you have two dialog choices via add_dialog_choice and the party clicks on the second one, run_dialog always returns 2, whether the call used to make the second choice read add_dialog_choice(1,"Choice 2") or add_dialog_choice(2,"Choice 3"). (The latter normally returns 3 when chosen.) I just discovered this, though, so I may be mistaken.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, there is one thing I noticed which is not strictly speaking a bug as such, but rather an annoyance that you can avoid if you know about it. The floor/terrain outside the town boundaries uses the last row of squares inside the town boundaries and repeats it forever in line of sight.


This means that, when placing frills, you have to watch out that no frills are placed in the outermost rows, because the effect will be a long row of the same frill continued as far as the eye can see (looks highly artificial).


The problem is mostly with the "Place Random Frills" option, which has to be followed by a manual sweep of the outer rows. Perhaps this effect could be modified to only affect the area two squares in from the town boundary...

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Originally written by Where twilight lies upon the knees:
Actually, there is one thing I noticed which is not strictly speaking a bug as such, but rather an annoyance that you can avoid if you know about it. The floor/terrain outside the town boundaries uses the last row of squares inside the town boundaries and repeats it forever in line of sight.

This means that, when placing frills, you have to watch out that no frills are placed in the outermost rows, because the effect will be a long row of the same frill continued as far as the eye can see (looks highly artificial).

The problem is mostly with the "Place Random Frills" option, which has to be followed by a manual sweep of the outer rows. Perhaps this effect could be modified to only affect the area two squares in from the town boundary...
There is an option to correct this in the Town Details window. It is something about Town Boundary Floor or something to that effect. Set it to be just plain grass and this problem should go away.
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