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What to be added in Avernum 4?


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Personally I think few thinks should be added in the next avernum, what about you?


To me there should be:

-Murders (you can kill someone silently if you have a great assasination skill)

-more houses that can be bought, and of course, the recall stones would teleport you in them!

-trhowing knives or daggers

-houses that can be built

-Zone spells (like flame cloud or fireball, or ice wall and ect...)

-an ability that makes you can have one weapon on each hands.

-generally more spells and thathave differents effects (icelances should paralise at hight level, fireblast should make people burn for a duration ect..)(why does the lista llways have the sam numbers of spells?)

-definetly more unusual abilities, like to fly or to make a special attack that hurts and drain life, or an attack that teleports you, or an attack that makes you defend this turn and if someone attacks you, you block his attack and you make a conter attack)

-generally more plasticity (well it isn't a god translation of the word in french) you know, for example, you shoulkd be able to work as a mercant, or to be a bad guy and ally your foes against your friends and the like.

-a safe travel that enables you to fly at the third level.

-a more realistic thievinng feature, you might have to hide to break a door or to pick it's lock, but the magic way wouldn't ahev such problems, but might be harder to use (tryely harder to use) and you shouldn't be able to moove a create like this, ni front of everyone, and the items that you put on the floor would be stealth if they arent in a chest or in you home)

-Chest in witch you can put object, better for the roleplay.

-a skill that makes you can have more that 20 items in your bad (like dexterity or the like)

-And maybe, but that would be really the best, the fact that, you can take notes with paper and ink (you know, you can write what you want) or maybe you souldn't be able to take notes if you haven't such things.


That is all for now, Avernum is truely a great game, full of great idears (for example, that the city gets destroyed if you don't defend them) and that would be really great if thoose things are added, but I think I am not the only one that have such ideas (please add the two handed way of fighting! that was sooo coool!!!)

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  • 3 months later...

I wondered why this topic had returned...


But really, there are just two things from your list that made it directly to A4: Area spells and improved lock-picking systems. Regrettably, there are actually fewer spells in A4 than A3, but there are far fewer useless ones. On the plus side, Unlock Doors is finally more difficult to use than straight-up Tool Use (but combining the two is insane...).


Honestly, 90% of that list was entirely too far-fetched for inclusion in A4.


EDIT: Well, yes, some monsters can do the strange attacks you spoke of.

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Originally written by Ephesos:
Originally written by Dikiyoba:
You can always murder someone if no one sees you do it, can't you?

Well, yes. But it has nothing to do with Assassination, as Taiko's post wished for it to.
That must be in A4 because I know murdering people in A1-3, even if there isn't anyone around, will make the town hostile.
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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
In A2, Dikiyoba's party keeps every pillow they run across and later move them all to the rakshasi lair so that the party has somewhere comfortable to retire to once they complete all the game quests.
That is a genius idea. cool

I always thought it was unfortunate that there are many fewer pillows in Avernum than there are beds.
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  • 4 months later...
In A2, Dikiyoba's party keeps every pillow they run across and later move them all to the rakshasi lair so that the party has somewhere comfortable to retire to once they complete all the game quests.
Mine tends to retire in the tower of magi (the only place to be in the three avernums) smile
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Did you ever notice how no matter what difficulty setting u have in A3 the ppl who created the monster plauges are always the vantahni. I think that in the next Avernum game or Geneforge game you crteate the ppl who did (whatever the objective to solve may be) should change. I think that would make many Spiderwebsoftware players really happy.

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I'd rather have villains firmly established and meaningfully portrayed in a way that isn't possible for interchangeable evils.


—Alorael, who doesn't think that's really possible in even A3. If you keep an eye out you'll notice that everything except the big, obvious planted evidence implicates the vahnatai.

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Tatterdemalion is one of my favorite scenarios, especially as one of the earlier ones, but I'm not sure how feasible having a different plot on every difficulty setting would be, especially for a larger game.


—Alorael, who was impressed by the fact that the three different ambiences promised in the docs aren't just false advertising. And the terrain wasn't all wonky like in Islands of the Wheel!

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One thing that A3 had (though not nearly enough) that I liked was the minor villains that came into power due to the Vahnatai's actions. I don't mean the random dungeons, like Vahkohs and the Rakshasi. I'm talking about the unforseeable side effects of the main plot arc, such as the Slime Bandits, or the Trog-Giant conflict. That way, you're able to have a side quest that keeps the focus on the main plot, instead of drawing focus away.


Just think: instead of making Braziron a benevolent general, make him an idealist who carves out his own personal kingdom north of Gale. The PCs hear rumours about him long before they get that far north, and even get a quest to 'dispose' of him. When they get to him, they have to decide between killing the only efficient slayer of the golems or raising the ire of the Empire.




I will classify my lieutenants in three categories: untrusted, trusted, and completely trusted. Promotion to the third category will be awarded posthumously.

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