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Triple Slartifer, Part 10

...are from Tibus

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426. Obake Opaka - Got a nice ring to it!

438. Dilemming - Got a nice ring to it!


443. Wallhouse - Abode for an obscure witch of Hyrule

The witches in a number of the 2D Zelda games have dwellings inside old dead trees, i.e. a treehouse. So maybe a "wallhouse" is a place some heretofore unknown Hylian witch might live?

YES +1




The Witch of Walls does not appear in any LoZ console game, but rather in one episode of The Legend of Zelda animated series (1989). The best episode, episode 4, is titled "Kiss'n Tell" -- but I like to call it "

." The first 6 minutes are pretty amazing: without spoiling anything, let's just say that Zelda is at her combat best, Link displays his characteristic chauvinism, and the result is pretty much the most direct metaphor in any 1980's children's cartoon for the negative impact sexism and patriarchy have on men. ("Um, this is all wrong. Beautiful maidens are supposed to be rescued by handsome heroes, not other beautiful maidens!") The Witch's solution to the problem seems to be a descendant of the Sir Gawain / Dame Ragnelle type of story, and Ganon himself is ultimately foiled by... a decorative wall hanging. The Witch of Walls is at around 9:45. I've always liked her depiction, which gives her some fairy-tale-Picasso numinousness.
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Remaining terms:



412. Imaginary Solutions

414. Ungraspable Offensive Nature

423. Whirlwind deliver them!

426. Obake Opaka

431. Indrawn Eidolon

437. Heal-thy?

438. Dilemming

444. Abriel

448. Depletion Counting



An African goddess speaks with Elizabethan prosody in the 90's

Canonical form of a problematic behavior

Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

Got a nice ring to it!

Ironically solipsist

Living, and ceasing to live

Recovering as slowly as a timberline ridge

Savior dies for your sins over and over again

What you get when an alien baby is forced to attack distant, psychic relatives of its foster mother

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438. Dilemming - Savior dies for your sins over and over again


A potential problem with any model of salvation that is not committed to the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice: If he didn't completely take care of it the first time, he'd be required to do it over and over until it was fixed, resulting in God being some sort of divine lemming, running toward death. If he didn't do it, though, he wouldn't be omnibenevolent. Dilemma.


I'm reaching for this one.

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438. Dilemming - Savior dies for your sins over and over again


A potential problem with any model of salvation that is not committed to the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice: If he didn't completely take care of it the first time, he'd be required to do it over and over until it was fixed, resulting in God being some sort of divine lemming, running toward death. If he didn't do it, though, he wouldn't be omnibenevolent. Dilemma.

Cute, but no.

Whirlwind deliver them! An African goddess speaks with Elizabethan prosody

Somehow this reminds me of Storm from the X-Men. She was worshipped as an African goddess and this sounds like a quote she would say.

YES +3 (Also, please try to keep the numbers intact and copy the ENTIRE name + clues, thanks.)


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431. Indrawn Eidolon Ironically solipsist.

Solipsism says something of the like of only your mind exists and such. So adherents of that view could be seen as indrawn. The irony here is on the ghost, a ghost is not real.

412. Imaginary Solutions Savior dies for your sins over and over again.

Is this a jab at the papal bulls which at one given point were sold to nobles as absolution of their sins pretty much fueling the rise of some protestant religions? Because theorethically the bulls would be imaginary solutions. Im sure im rambling however.

448. Depletion Counting Canonical form of a problematic behavior

Math is not my favorite subject but i remember hearing about canonical forms when doing matrices. Depletion could be related to radioactive decay or to resource depletion either of which can be problematic. This in 9/10 wrong since behaviour wont fit.

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414. Ungraspable Offensive Nature--Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

Divine and magic are both rather ungraspable and a storm is a form of nature being offensive. The storm being underground would also be offensive to nature since storms occur above ground

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431. Indrawn Eidolon

Living, and ceasing to live


Wikipedia translates eidolon as kinda like a ghost. A ghost is the essence of a person out of the body. So an indrawn eidolon would be living until it was drawn out when it would be ceasing to live.


431. Indrawn Eidolon Ironically solipsist.

Solipsism says something of the like of only your mind exists and such. So adherents of that view could be seen as indrawn. The irony here is on the ghost, a ghost is not real.

YES +3

412. Imaginary Solutions Savior dies for your sins over and over again.

Is this a jab at the papal bulls which at one given point were sold to nobles as absolution of their sins pretty much fueling the rise of some protestant religions? Because theorethically the bulls would be imaginary solutions. Im sure im rambling however.

448. Depletion Counting Canonical form of a problematic behavior

Math is not my favorite subject but i remember hearing about canonical forms when doing matrices. Depletion could be related to radioactive decay or to resource depletion either of which can be problematic. This in 9/10 wrong since behaviour wont fit.


414. Ungraspable Offensive Nature--Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

Divine and magic are both rather ungraspable and a storm is a form of nature being offensive. The storm being underground would also be offensive to nature since storms occur above ground


448. Depletion Counting

Recovering as slowly as a timberline ridge

Timber is a resource that can be depleted and recovers very slowly, so you can count the depletion as the timberline recovers.

YES +2


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437. Heal-thy? - Got a nice ring to it!

Ring of Health from SW games?

437 - YES +1 (but not that type of ring)



414 - I'm not processing guesses that do not attempt to make some sort of connection, especially not when there are only 4 clues left. (This one does not count towards your 6 per day in case that's relevant)

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I'll take a shot at these:


412. Imaginary Solutions – Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

Both underground storms and gods who give magic power are imaginary?


414. Ungraspable Offensive Nature – What you get when an alien baby is forced to attack distant, psychic relatives of its foster mother

An attack is an offensive, and psychic powers are intangible (ungraspable).


426. Obake Opaka – Savior dies for your sins over and over again

In Star Trek Deep Space 9, the character Opaka winds up on a planet where, basically, everyone can die and come back to life over and over, but they are permanently changed by the process and can never leave. That accounts for Opaka and for obake (something that transforms); the planet is in constant war and Opaka tries to bring peace, thus making her a savior who can / will die over and over.


444. Abriel - Living, and ceasing to live

There was a metal band named Abriel that had a relatively brief period existence, thus living, and then ceasing to live

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412. Imaginary Solutions – Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

Both underground storms and gods who give magic power are imaginary?


414. Ungraspable Offensive Nature – What you get when an alien baby is forced to attack distant, psychic relatives of its foster mother

An attack is an offensive, and psychic powers are intangible (ungraspable).

YES +1


This is a reference to the following vaguely infamous message:




This particular boss has a backstory that is never really made apparent in this game itself, at least in the English version, but which is basically explained in the clue above. This should also explain why the game's Japanese name is what it is.


426. Obake Opaka – Savior dies for your sins over and over again

In Star Trek Deep Space 9, the character Opaka winds up on a planet where, basically, everyone can die and come back to life over and over, but they are permanently changed by the process and can never leave. That accounts for Opaka and for obake (something that transforms); the planet is in constant war and Opaka tries to bring peace, thus making her a savior who can / will die over and over.

YES +2

Opaka was not just any character, but the Kai, the only major spiritual office that got much screen time on Trek. Sort of a Jewish Pope. (I hope that doesn't offend anyone; she was terrific.) An obake, meanwhile, primarily refers to a supernatural shapeshifter of some sort, but can also be used to refer to the ghost of a dead person, so there's a definite pun there. Finally, this is a reference to the PDN (from many triple topics ago) that inspired the cycle of spirit PDNs here, and which remains one of my all-time favourites: Opaque Obake.


444. Abriel - Living, and ceasing to live

There was a metal band named Abriel that had a relatively brief period existence, thus living, and then ceasing to live


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Well, I used four guesses earlier today, and I know now what the last two PDN / clue pairs must be:


412. Imaginary Solutions – Living, and ceasing to live

That which is imaginary "lives" only while one continues to imagine it, then ceases to exist.



And there's this:

444. Abriel - Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

Since I have no clue what this is about, I can't get the points, but I'll post it for the convenience of others to try to figure it out and earn them.

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412. Imaginary Solutions

Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

This is a common trope in fantasy and science fiction. Create an artificial problem and solve it using the principles of another artificial solution. So having an underground storm would be an imaginary problem and using divine magic to solve it would be an imaginary solution.

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Yeah, I think enough time has passed to call time.


412. Imaginary Solutions – Living, and ceasing to live

"Living and ceasing to live are imaginary solutions. Existence is elsewhere." Andre Breton. A favourite line of mine, and one I think with many applications.


444. Abriel - Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

In Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom (the first of the three D.W.Bradley titles), you travel into an underground labyrinth known as the Maelstrom with the ultimate task of reaching its heart; upon helping the Gatekeeper win the final battle there, he gives you the "Heart of Abriel" (or, for those familiar, with Wizardry text conventions, the HEARTofABRIEL) which you can use to learn the Abriel spell, which is described as "the divine magic." Its only actual use, I believe, is to remove the shields on the final boss, whom you have already defeated, but you battle again, possibly in order to obtain more Hearts of Abriel.

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Triumph 116

Dikiyoba 50

Lilith 29

Owen 29

Edgwyn 25

Nikki 21

Nalyd 12

Randomizer 8

Dintiradan 6

Valtio 6

Excalibur 6

Darth Ernie 5

Vergil 2



as per the last topic, the winner will be the person with the highest score besides Triumph.




Valtio +3

Vergil +2

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Additionally, because what else would I do when I am stressed out and have no time but look for patterns in my navel, and having now passed ten slartiferous triplets, and some 451 PDNs, I went and looked at the topics most likely to be referenced in a PDN:


81 non-Spiderweb video game references (including 11 Final Fantasy, 7 Angband, 6 Dragon Quest, 5 Mario, 5 Dungeon Master, 4 Zelda, 4 EarthBound, 3 interactive fiction, 3 Chrono)


67 literary references (including 10 Shakespeare, 8 Tolkien, 6 comic books, 4 Calvin & Hobbes, 3 Baum, 3 Barth, 3 Seuss, and 3 Murasaki)


49 music references (including 8 Stereolab)


42 mythological/historical references (including 11 Greco-Roman, 6 British Isles, 4 Mesopotamian, 4 Indian, 4 Japanese, and 3 biblical)


37 TV/film references (including 5 Abfab, 3 Square One, 3 Star Trek, and 3 Sailor Moon)


29 Spiderweb game references (including 14 Geneforge, 9 Exile/Avernum, 3 Nethergate, and 3 Avadon)


26 foreign language uses (including 18 French and 6 Latin)


23 non-video game references (including 12 MtG and 9 AD&D)


22 forum user references (including 4 Alorael)


16 meme-based references


and 91 in miscellaneous categories (including 16 venereal, 15 linguistic, 11 food and drink, 11 philosophical, 10 psychological, 7 programming, 5 educational, and 4 theological)

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