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Triple Slartifer, Part 8

Mea Tulpa

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"My names," Slartibus said to the Demon, "are like the heads of the Lernaean Hydra. Please help me." The Demon replied:





It's time to banish some more PDNs! But this time, we're going to do it as we go, rather than dealing with 333 in one fell swoop.


In the post below, you will find a list of 33 PDNs (chronological) and 33 crossword-style clues (alphabetical).


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive 2 OR MORE points per reference correctly identified. The standard value is 2, but clever explanations will increase it. Points will accumulate going forward; and yes, there will be another prize at the end for the highest point totals.


I will update the list periodically to remove PDNs and clues that have been successfully guessed. You are welcome to use Google (or any other resource) to try and figure things out. Some will be easier than others. Good luck! And watch out for Triumph, the defending champion (even if he was never formally installed).


Note: When making a guess, please make everyone's life easier by pasting the entire PDN (with number), as well as the clue. For example:


1. Dame Annals -- Murasaki nickname



For historical reference: previous iterations...








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334. Angel of Cacophony??/?

336. Immovable Lump of Heart

337. Devoid Man Devoid

345. Heart like swords and pool on the

350. Hard Dorothy Hardware

355. Dam Canals

361. Displacer Iguana

362. Oracle of the Pills and Raves



An unhappy beginning

Beats fall apart

In context, an expression of overintellectualized pain

Ironic art and translation mix-ups

Just a pile of unhappy words

Other side of my secret identity, maybe

Paper airplane domination?

Saunders writes a story about baby's first PDN change



335. To Protect and Serve Man - Solving two humanitarian crises with one expatriation program

338. Faster PDN Null Null - Russ Meyer, by any invalid name

339. No sad sunny day nor any frightful bright place - Hymn in praise of Magus

340. Crouching Ihrno Sleeping Dragon -- Art of imperial imitation

341. Break on Through (To the Other Sidhe) - Open the Doors with Sever Seal

342. Mordenkainen's Audible Sigh - Spell for the Truly frustrated

343. Mordenkainen's Inaudible Sidhe - If mythologies collide in the forest, and no one is around...

344. Arbitrary ideas and imprecise words spill from the - Overabundance and underselection

346. Ground like blood know nothing to do but flood -- Natural for a liquid

347. The Wrath of Kant - Critique of Pure Eugenics

348. And this one was much shorter. - A small rebellion rebellion

349. Mombi & Jinjur & old Tippetarius - Ways to battle the patriarchy, way up high

351. Pestilence for the Rest of Ents - Passover alternative for the Romans

352. Seditious Servile - We must take our free!

353. The Fluttering Wimple Round - Mechanism of Merlin's ultimate arboreal fate, as men say

354. FEAR and QAKEing - Existential spell options (you can't teleport)

356. Twelve Angry Entwives of Mechanical Failure - DELIBERATE, GREMLIN

357. Bistromath Mathonwy - "Requires non-alcoholic drinks when not at warp"

358. Late for work and changing my PDN -- The circumstances of the moment

359. Truffle Nights - Scenario exploring the underworld of the underworld?

360. Cloaca of Uncertainty and Error - The glory and shame of the universe, or at least the compiler

363: Jayk Armitage - "Geneforge goes cyberpunk?"

364. Dongan kasakuyan indo muu - Plea from the Cosmos

365. Iconoblast -- Immaturity easily mistaken for destructiveness

366. Drafnheryn -- Elf queen of Glastonbury Grove?

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341. Break on Through (To the Other Sidhe) - Elf queen of Glastonbury Grove?

342. Mordenkainen's Audible Sigh - Spell for the Truly frustrated

343. Mordenkainen's Inaudible Sidhe - If mythologies collide in the forest, and no one is around...

347. The Wrath of Kant - Critique of Pure Eugenics

352. Seditious Servile - We must take our free!

353. The Fluttering Wimple Round - Mechanism of Merlin's ultimate arboreal fate, as men say

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341. Break on Through (To the Other Sidhe) - Elf queen of Glastonbury Grove?

342. Mordenkainen's Audible Sigh - Spell for the Truly frustrated

343. Mordenkainen's Inaudible Sidhe - If mythologies collide in the forest, and no one is around...

347. The Wrath of Kant - Critique of Pure Eugenics

353. The Fluttering Wimple Round - Mechanism of Merlin's ultimate arboreal fate, as men say

341 - NO

342 - YES +2

343 - YES +2

347 - YES +2

353 - YES +2


Nine times shaved the fluttering wimple round,

And made a little plot of magic ground.

And in that daisied circle, as men say,

Is Merlin prisoner till the judgment day;

-- Matthew Arnold, Tristram and Iseult

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I was going to facetiously pair every PDN with "just a pile of unhappy words", but upon a second reading I am able to get a couple:


357. Bistromath Mathonwy - "Requires non-alcoholic drinks when not at warp"

(The Bistromath used a restaurant as its warp engine, and King Math (or Mathonwy?) had to hang out with virgins when not at war. Why Lloyd Alexander omitted that in his books, I'll never know.)


363: Jayk Armitage - "Geneforge goes cyberpunk?"

(I've never played the Geneforges, but "Jayk" looks Geneforge-y. Armitage is from Neuromancer.)

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359. Truffle Nights - Scenario exploring the underworld of the underworld?

359 - YES +2


357. Bistromath Mathonwy - "Requires non-alcoholic drinks when not at warp"

(The Bistromath used a restaurant as its warp engine, and King Math (or Mathonwy?) had to hang out with virgins when not at war. Why Lloyd Alexander omitted that in his books, I'll never know.)


363: Jayk Armitage - "Geneforge goes cyberpunk?"

(I've never played the Geneforges, but "Jayk" looks Geneforge-y. Armitage is from Neuromancer.)

357 - YES +4

363 - YES +2


The reference is actually to Jake Armitage of (of course) SNES Shadowrun. One of the primary antagonists is Drake, who is eventually revealed to actually be a fire-breathing dragon. Jake, of course, is modified with cyberware, which is not without parallels to the canisters.

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351. Pestilence for the Rest of Ents - Passover alternative for the Romans

This is a reference the TV show Seinfeld and the “holiday” Festivus, modifying the phrase "Festivus for the rest of us" to create a similar rhyme and talking about an alternative to a better known holiday

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356. Twelve Angry Entwives of Mechanical Failure - DELIBERATE, GREMLIN

First, mechanical failures are sometimes called and / or attributed to gremlins. Second, the Ents are well know for their very deliberate approach to life. Third, Twelve Angry Men is a movie about jurors deliberating.

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349. Mombi & Jinjur & old Tippetarius - Ways to battle the patriarchy, way up high

This one is marvelous. "Way up high" is an allusion to the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," (most famously sung by Judy Garland in the The Wizard of Oz), and the three names are all female characters from L. Frank Baum's Oz books. Jinjur in particular is something of a parody of the women's suffrage movement active in Baum's day.

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349. Mombi & Jinjur & old Tippetarius - Ways to battle the patriarchy, way up high

This one is marvelous. "Way up high" is an allusion to the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," (most famously sung by Judy Garland in the The Wizard of Oz), and the three names are all female characters from L. Frank Baum's Oz books. Jinjur in particular is something of a parody of the women's suffrage movement active in Baum's day.

I got stuck thinking it was an "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" reference. :p
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338 - YES +2


351 - YES +3 - also a reference to the plagues related to Passover and the Romans in Nethergate


356 - YES +3 - correct on the first and third counts; the other links are to the discussion over the deliberateness of the GREMLIN, and the rather unique connection between Jeff's gremlins and Tolkien's ents: the fact that their -wives have run away without a trace and they miss them terribly.


349 - YES +4 - I don't know if you said "marvelous" on purpose, but nice job, as this is specifically an allusion to the second Oz book, _The Marvelous Land of Oz._ Mombi, Jinjur, and Tip are all involved in major gender reversals that affect social gender norms as well as who rules the country: one reinforcing the status quo in order to survive, one leading an Army of Revolt, and one struggling internally with unknowing nonconformity.


341 - YES +3 - This is also a reference to "Break on Through (To the Other Side)", a song by the Doors.

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Not sure about this one:


355. Dam Canals - Natural for a liquid

Dams and canals are both structures used for controlling liquids.


This one I’m more confident about:

354. FEAR and QAKEing - Existential spell options (you can't teleport)

I knew this seemed familiar – it’s a reference to Fear and Trembling, the book by the Existentialist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. It’s also probably a reference to a pair of video game spells, but Fear is generic and I’m stumped by “Oake,” so I have no idea which game he has in mind.

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355 - NO


354 - YES +2 - though I deliberately avoided the ist there, FEAR and QAKE are indeed spells from Final Fantasy. There is no EXIT spell listed, however, a reference to Sartre's play No Exit.


360 - YES +2 - Pascal, after whom a once prevalent but long-abandoned programming language is also named.


339 - YES +3



Oh...dearest Magus...

Your flashing eyes...like stars...

And flowing hair...

Like waves atop the sea...


No sad sunny day nor any frightful

bright place can get us down

as long as you're near...

There's nothing to fear...


Magus, oh Magus

Our Hero, Magus

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340. Crouching Ihrno Sleeping Dragon - Elf queen of Glastonbury Grove

The Ihrno (mage) is Morgan le Fay, sometimes referred to as queen of Avalon, which is sometimes identified with Glastonbury Tor. According to the tale, King Arthur (surname Pendragon) went there to rest and heal (hence Sleeping Dragon). The title is also a reference to the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

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348 - YES +2

The allusion to the scenario is there, but the greater allusion is to the G5 Rebel ending, which offers the shortest implementation ever of Jeff's favored theme of rebellion, when the humans and serviles rise up against the drakons:


"When the drakons returned from the battle, far, far fewer in number than the Shapers ever were, the next rebellion began. And this one was much shorter.


Once the rebellion against the rebellion was completed, it was time, at last, to build a peace."

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335. To Protect and Serve Man - Ironic art and translation mix-ups

A translation problem re: "serve" is key to the plot of the old Twilight Zone ep. To Serve Man. The PDN also refers to the famous police motto To Protect and To Serve. I’m not sure how art fits in, though.

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335. To Protect and Serve Man - Solving two humanitarian crises with one expatriation program

Again, drawing on the police motto and the Twilight Zone ep.: the expatriation program is a reference to the aliens taking people away. "Humanitarian" may also be a clue that it's linked to the PDN with "man" in it.


There are a couple of other PDNs like this - I know what the PDN is about, but I have no idea what clue goes with it.

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There are a couple of other PDNs like this - I know what the PDN is about, but I have no idea what clue goes with it.
(4:18:07 PM) dintiradan: *goes through the list of PDNs* Oh, I know what he's combining for this one, and for this one, and for this one. This should be easy.

*goes through list of clues* I have no idea where he's going with this.

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344. Arbitrary ideas and imprecise words spill from the-Immaturity easily mistaken for destructiveness

In context, an expression of overintellectualized pain

340. Crouching Ihrno Sleeping Dragon

Ironic art and translation mix-ups

337. Devoid Man Devoid Just a pile of unhappy words



Ok this contest seem like travelling to a paralel fantasy universe. But not only that. Traveling to a past existance of said universe. Its like time travel meets teleportation meets alternate realities. Its pretty neat :)

That and I'm having trouble recognising most references!(so im prolly wrong) Sheesh.

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"Just a pile of unhappy words" - I keep wanting to find way to make this a reference to the goofy Castlevania quote "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets." Unfortunately none of your PDNs seem to have anything to do with Castlevania. Alas. "A Miserable Little Pile of Secrets" *would* be a good PDN, though...

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355. Dam Canals Solving two humanitarian crises with one expatriation program

This could be about the panama crisis and suez crisis. In irony to how united states has some intolerance to latino imigrants but have vexed interests in their internal afairs same although more cross generational with the refugees from the middle east.

As in your problem isnt our problem but our problem is your problem


Edit: can one clue be used for two usernames?

Edit 2: never mind. Since to protect and serve wasnt removed. Im sure i got this wrong. I like the analogy though so im leaving the post



340. Crouching Ihrno Sleeping Dragon-Natural state for a liquid.

My brain keeps screaming beowulf to me. On this one

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337. Devoid Man Devoid -- Other side of my secret identity, maybe


340. Crouching Ihrno Sleeping Dragon -- Art of imperial imitation


358. Late for work and changing my PDN -- The circumstances of the moment


365. Iconoblast -- Immaturity easily mistaken for destructiveness


366. Drafnheryn -- Elf queen of Glastonbury Grove?




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340. Crouching Ihrno Sleeping Dragon -- Art of imperial imitation

Partial explanation: "Sleeping Dragon" and "imperial imitation" reference Emperor Tullegolar.


344. Arbitrary ideas and imprecise words spill from the -- In context, an exp<b></b>ression of overintellectualized pain


345. Heart like swords and pool on the -- Just a pile of unhappy words


346. Ground like blood know nothing to do but flood -- Natural for a liquid


355. Dam Canals -- Ironic art and translation mix-ups

Partial explanation: “Dam Canals” sounds similar to “Dame Annals”


361. Displacer Iguana -- Beats fall apart



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Despite reading through the whole thread I'm still stuck not knowing what the hell a PDN is?


Clearly it has something to do with the wacky screen names you have had the past few weeks. Beyond that it eludes me.


EDIT: Also, which ones are left? I'm late to the party and I know at least some on the remaining list seem to have been answered. I can't be bothered figuring out which ones remain.

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Despite reading through the whole thread I'm still stuck not knowing what the hell a PDN is?


Clearly it has something to do with the wacky screen names you have had the past few weeks. Beyond that it eludes me.


publicly displayed name


that is, the name that appears to other members when you post, as opposed to your login name

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337. Devoid Man Devoid -- Other side of my secret identity, maybe

340. Crouching Ihrno Sleeping Dragon -- Art of imperial imitation

358. Late for work and changing my PDN -- The circumstances of the moment

365. Iconoblast -- Immaturity easily mistaken for destructiveness

366. Drafnheryn -- Elf queen of Glastonbury Grove?

337 - NO

340 - YES +3 - Ihrno just references his love for Rentar-Ihrno

358 - YES +2

365 - YES +2 - c.f. Iconoclast

366 - YES +2


Glastonbury Grove is a reference to Twin Peaks; the previous iterations of this thread were all filled with mangled quotes from the Log Lady intros; and Drafnheryn is the best Sindarin I could come up with for Log Lady. I apologize for "queen" which didn't have much reason to be in the clue and didn't really help: I think I had in my mind some kind of comparison with Galadriel, the Grove versus the Golden Wood, but I'm not sure it really came through.


344. Arbitrary ideas and imprecise words spill from the -- Overabundance and underselection.

344 - YES +3


344. Arbitrary ideas and imprecise words spill from the -- In context, an expression of overintellectualized pain

345. Heart like swords and pool on the -- Just a pile of unhappy words

346. Ground like blood know nothing to do but flood -- Natural for a liquid

355. Dam Canals -- Ironic art and translation mix-ups

361. Displacer Iguana -- Beats fall apart

344 - NO

345 - NO

346 - YES +2

355 - NO

361 - NO

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Remaining clues:


334. Angel of Cacophony??/?

336. Immovable Lump of Heart

337. Devoid Man Devoid

345. Heart like swords and pool on the

350. Hard Dorothy Hardware

355. Dam Canals

361. Displacer Iguana

362. Oracle of the Pills and Raves



An unhappy beginning

Beats fall apart

In context, an expression of overintellectualized pain

Ironic art and translation mix-ups

Just a pile of unhappy words

Other side of my secret identity, maybe

Paper airplane domination?

Saunders writes a story about baby's first PDN change



(Note that I do update the original clue post when I get a chance. It's not practical to do that after every single guess.)

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