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Triple Slartifer, Part 5


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"slartifer! slartifer! slartifer!"


We shall continue in our attempt to banish the 331, now 332, soon to be 333 names of slartifer.


Below, you will find a list of 43 PDNs (chronological) and 43 crossword-style clues (alphabetical). These are the next 43 PDN changes. This covers several months in the fall of 2009.


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive TWO OR MORE POINTS per reference correctly identified. Points will accumulate until all 333 names have been banished; and yes, there will be a prize at the end for the highest point totals.


Letters are symbols.  They

are building blocks of words

which form our languages.

Languages help us communicate. Even with

complicated languages used by


people, misunderstanding

is a common occurrence.

We write things down sometimes--

letters, words--

hoping they will serve us

and those with whom


wish to communicate.

Letters and words, calling out for understanding.

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  • Replies 136
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198. The Infinite and I — Shift made in recognition of a forum logic puzzle

199. Impossibull — Asterion, or Apis, perhaps

200. Priest of Reversable Mythos — 2nd-edition druid, maybe

201. Entailitory — Presuppositions coming out the reverse, you might say

202. AUTOEXEG.BAT — Knee-jerk Protestant boots?

203. 7 words blow 3 words. — This referred to one of Alorael's PDNs, but I forget which

204. BeJewels — Flash games have no save and restore

205. Invisible Fink — Kart ghost goes Wikileaks?

206. Saros Shadow Flowerer — Likely bainbloom wielder

207. The Numbers Cannot Try the Cause — Norway and Poland

208. Hearts, Records, Game Systems — Things you broke

209. Incongrue — Sticks out like a sore thumb in the dark

210. Guided:Voices :: Expected:Nobody — Lo-fi Python narration?

211. Angry Starman in 8-2 — Appropriately dark for a solar eclipse

212. Concometant — Doom

213. Turnabout is Fore — NSFW, if you complete the phrase

214. The Manipulatives are Restless — Title after replacing the Far Side chickens

215. Escalator Pop — Easier listening music

216. Putrepope — Canine leader

217. Eazy — Not a difficult clue

218. Rockpaper — Tablets, I suppose

219. Saropotence — Suffixes of death

220. Cloudy Heavens — Critique of Vague Reason

221. ~w — Regular expression marker, or maybe a light source

222. Last Unction Hero — Pathass, or maybe Iglit

223. Masticore Punk — Other half of a hard razormane

224. Porcinopine — Defensive Bacon Drop editorial

225. Lists Across America! — Twiggypedia?

226. Wisteria Wall-Walker — Not part of the Meldrew curse

227. The Criticals — Thinking hits mass acclaim

228. Folded — Laundry hands and businesses

229. Disambiguation Cage — Titular crossroads

230. Black Visc — For each letter you misread over 5

231. Daemon Errare — Where assistants lose their way

232. If You Seek Amygdalae — Emo Spears

233. Chacun Cherche — Spoiler alert: she finds the cat

234. To Activate is Hazy and Unread — Equally unclear to me

235. Pansupticon Ply — Steinian cornucopia

236. Do what thou wilt — The whole of the law

237. Forundermore — Writing Desk counterpart

238. You mean gods — Polyplea

239. The Unspoken Stopspell — Taloon boon

240. Base Quylthulg — Generic mound of flesh in the pits

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199. Impossibull - Writing Desk Counterpart (I'm guessing this is related to Slarty vs. Writing Desk, and the Nine-headed Cave Cow.)


204. BeJewels - Flash games have no save and restore (I know there's a game called Bejeweled out there, though I'm not 100% certain if it's flash. "No save and restore" refers to the Deathmatch, which Jewels was storing the results of on her site).


More to come, maybe.

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232. If You Seek Amygdalae -- Emo Spears

("If You Seek Amy" is a Britney Spears song, and the amygdala is a part of the brain that deals with emotions.)


204. BeJewels -- Flash games have no save and restore

(Bejeweled is a Flash game, and "Deathmatch has no save and restore" is a Jewels quote.)


223. Masticore Punk -- Other half of a hard razormane

(Razormane Masticore is one of the Masticores from Magic: the Gathering.)


209. Incongrue -- Sticks out like a sore thumb in the dark

(Incongruous means "sticks out", and a grue is something likely to eat you in the dark.)

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236 - YES (+2) - "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" - Aleister Crowley



200 - YES! (+2) - the subclass was called "Priest of Specific Mythos", and 2nd-edition also introduced reversable spells; meanwhile, druids were required to be True Neutral and to maintain the balance of alignments, i.e., responding to extreme actions with their reverse

220 - NO

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230. Black Visc -- For each letter you misread over 5

(References Black Vise, another Magic card that does... something... if you have five or more cards in hand. I don't know what the significance of the misspelled word is.)


EDIT: Fitting that in a post about a misspelled word, I misspell a word.

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230 - YES (+2) - It deals 1 damage. The font and background on some of the older printings wasn't terribly clear and when I played magic as a wee middle schooler, I thought the card title was Black Visc. I spent a long time trying to figure out what the heck a visc was.

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199 - YES (+2) - Asterion being the personal name of the Minotaur, Apis a bull-god from Egypt

217 - YES (+2)

218 - YES (+2)

237 - YES (+2)



213 - YES (+3) - one of the cleverest of my PDNs, IMHO, I quite liked this one with all its implications

215 - YES (+3)

227 - NO



224 - YES (+2) - Porcine Opine: the editorial whines of a pig in porcupine-like form



237 - OK (+1) - note also the Icshi/Imban deathmatch parallel



231 - NO



205 - YES (+2) - the ghost item in Super Mario Kart steals an opponent's item and makes you invisible, making you a reprehensible person; the other meaning of fink might be one who anonymously leaks

221 - YES (+2) - marks regexp in perl and some other formats, and ~ is the icon for light sources in Angband

222 - YES (+2) - the last characters associated with annointing rituals

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207. The Numbers Cannot Try the Cause - Knee-jerk Protestant boots?

--Numbers is a book in the Bible, and if "boots" is a verb in this context it could refer to booting someone out of a conversation or whatnot.

220. Cloudy Heavens - Lo-fi Python narration?

--If Python refers to Monty Python and the Holy Grail this makes sense, as God speaks to the knights from cloudy heavens.

229. Disambiguation Cage - Twiggypedia?

--Wikipedia is full of disambiguations, and I'm guessing "Twiggy" is some sort of reference I'm not familiar with.

240. Base Quylthulg - Shift made in recognition of a forum logic puzzle

--The PDN reminds of the description for the Subterra forum which was ultimately removed.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
216 - NO

In other news, I have just discovered that there is a Japanese wiki quite like Encyclopedia Ermariana, but with less rumination and more comprehensive updates. Very, very scary. Also in Japanese.

A Japanese wiki about Avernum / Exile? Fascinating.
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Originally Posted By: Slarty
In other news, I have just discovered that there is a Japanese wiki quite like Encyclopedia Ermariana, but with less rumination and more comprehensive updates. Very, very scary. Also in Japanese.
Huh, really. I would never have thought that an indie English-only CRPG would generate enough interest for an up-to-date foreign language wiki. Despite most of us not being able to read the language, could we see a link?

You do find the weirdest stuff out there. Like this 'walkthrough' for the Blades of Avernum party editor, which is mostly just a list of every special item in every scenario. Because people need to cheat to get the Xiang Espionage Papers in Nine Variations on Point B.
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"The Numbers Cannot Try the Cause" is Shakespearean. I think it's Hamlet, because it's not from any of the plays I know really well, but I must have read it recently enough for it to be remembered. Either that or the Tempest.


"Twiggy", by the way (or at least I think so, knowing Slarty):


Click to reveal..


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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S

She's also cute and I wanted an excuse to post a picture.

Anyway I can't link any of that together to score points, but hopefully somebody else will be able to take my right answers and get somewhere.
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207 - YES (+2) - Hamlet ridicules Fortinbras (of Norway's) decision to invade Poland. He was previously going to invade Denmark. Despite the questionable geopolitics, this is one of the richest passages in the whole play, and that's saying something.



198 - NO - but good guess

208 - YES (+3)

229 - NO

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