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Watcher Ibu *spoilers*

Shadow Bunny

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I inadvertently left the zone in between talking to Watcher Ibu and killing the zephyr, result being that he was dead by the time I got back to the tower. Also, I drank from the cauldron downstairs in that tower, thinking it might be one of those vitality-restoring drinks, but a couple minutes later realized I'd been warned repeatedly not to drink anything in The Corruption.


I have another save file from an hour or so previously, and am considering reloading from there to fix those mistakes. I was wondering if anyone who's played later in the game could give me a yes/no answer about whether those two things will make enough of a difference to bother redoing that much game.

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I am only a little farther along then you are. After killing the zephyr I returned the essence to Watcher Ibu and Wyetta gave out the hint that Miranda was in Base D. I would check to see if you can get into the Base D back door. If you can't, I would definitely reload. I do not think that the basin in the tower does anything, but there is one a little later on that is very bad to drink from.

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If the description you get after drinking from it is accurate . . . It makes you slightly more powerful while in the corruption. Perhaps less powerful outside of the corruption?


I saved right before drinking just to see what would happen . . . So it was pretty easy to reload to before I drank.


Also . . . There's two such basins that ask "Do you really want to drink this?" Whether or not you drink from none, one, or both has an effect on the ending.

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