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Viability of the awakened plans in G2


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Starting G2 up again I'm at the point where I think about what faction to join. Zak is a filthy traitor, I hate the takers and the barzites are a bunch of canister crazy loonies. So it comes down to unaligned or awakened. I really, really don't want the awakened serviles to die, I want them to be free and left in peace but I just don't see it. How can I support them when they


1) want to fight defensively which isn't going to impress the shapers at all ? The shapers are already overwhelmingly more powerful, giving them the initiative and not hurting them (at least not much) is just a bad idea and certainly not helping in getting your independence and continued survival.

2) make lots of drakons ? I can't find anything about how they are going to control them, the barrier of the winds serviles couldn't even handle one loose drakon. What is going to stop the drakons from taking over the awakened and more or less becoming takers ? The only one who might be capable of controlling them would be...

3) Tuldaric, which brings us to the next problem. The only capable and talented shaper the awakened have is slowly going canister mad, summoning demons and generally forgetting about the awakened. Afaik serviles can't shape till they get to use the geneforge around the time of G4 ? So everything shaping related rests on Tuldarics shoulders, with maybe some help from those few apprentice level shapers in medab and the magus complex and the player of course.

4) Even if the drakons turn out to be under perfect control and Tuldaric gets off his canisters and pours all his energy into helping the awakened, at some point the shapers will adapt. They have way more resources and researchers that I can't see how Tuldaric could keep ahead of them in this arms race.

5) Their crops grow too quickly destroying the soil and hurting their long term food supply. The shapers could probably just keep them boxed in and wait till they starve, even if it takes a few years.


Awakened philosophy meeting reality is like a trainwreck. This sucks :(

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I've never seen the Awakened quite as negatively as some here do (maybe I've got rose-colored glass for them or something), but it's certainly fair to concede they face serious problems and their goals seem at least a little quixotic.


So does that mean you'll choose the Aodare wipe-them-out-all-of-them approach?

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For 1) and 4) the point of the Barrier of the Winds is not to impress the Shapers or outmatch them in an arms race, but to be a barrier that the Shapers cannot overcome without concerted effort. Then, the best-case scenario is that the resources and lives the Shapers throw at it give leverage to any rogue Shapers (like the apprentices in mindset) to point out that they should leave the Awakened alone.


The question then is whether this could happen before the other stuff catches up to them. I generally side with the Awakened because that gives them one more Shaper to possibly keep the other stuff in check. (Of course, their ending is not canon...)

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I've never seen the Awakened quite as negatively as some here do (maybe I've got rose-colored glass for them or something), but it's certainly fair to concede they face serious problems and their goals seem at least a little quixotic.


So does that mean you'll choose the Aodare wipe-them-out-all-of-them approach?

Did Aodare advise to wipe out the awakened too ? Can't remember, but that's simply something I'm not willing to do. Killing Tuldaric would be one thing, maybe even doing something about the barrier of the winds. I could simply ignore them like McNulty tells you to but then that would lead to their extermination too, just not at my hands.

It's funny, in G3/4 I'm with the shapers always, wiping out every single rebel without feeling bad.

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I always thought the Awakened were doomed. I think it's symbolic that Ell-Rah's tomb is infested by a demon. They were a nice bunch of guys all by themselves on Sucia Island, but they are just not up for prime time on the mainland. In a way their moderate path gets re-invented by Astoria in G5, which is a nice way to round out the series, but I doubt Astoria would have come to her way of thinking if the rebellion hadn't gotten very much more horrendous than the Awakened could ever have managed.

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Did Aodare advise to wipe out the awakened too?

Aodare wants you to kill everyone. Zacchary and Drypeak, the Awakened, everyone.


IIRC, no one really cares about the Awakened, so you can leave them alone on the unaligned path.

And then they either die or get enslaved and put to work under the worst conditions, hooray. Not a very good option if you want them to be left alone.


Dikiyoba the best option for the OP is to go for the Awakened ending. It's really the only one that leaves them alive and well, even if it might be unrealistically good for you.

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Aodare wants you to kill everyone. Zacchary and Drypeak, the Awakened, everyone.

He told me to kill the barzites and the drayks specifically iirc. I do think that the awakened being kinda ignored has alot to do with the barrier of the winds not being public knowledge. Everybody knows what the barzites and the takers are doing but I didn't see a single mention of the BotW from non-awakened.

And then they either die or get enslaved and put to work under the worst conditions, hooray. Not a very good option if you want them to be left alone.


Dikiyoba the best option for the OP is to go for the Awakened ending. It's really the only one that leaves them alive and well, even if it might be unrealistically good for you.

Yeah, this it what it came down to in the end. It may be a leap of faith but that's still better than certain death or enslavement for the serviles.


Also made level 50 this time, kinda surprised that was possible without abuses.

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