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Alexandria Receives a MAJOR Overhaul!

Silent Motion

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Thanks to the efforts of Kelandon, Gizmo, Tonweya, Drakefyre, and yours truly, Alex is now up to date, containing 298 scenarios!


But, we still have a long way to go. Many scenarios listed in Alex have only the barest of information. So, look in the near future for an announcement of a "Fill-in-the-blanks" contest, where contestants will try to supply the missing data for a scenario (like outdoor sections, author emails, etc.).


We only have one prize so far - Drakefyre has agreed to give the winner a customized title on the Spiderweb boards!


Please try out the new Alex and let me know if you run into any problems.

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Originally written by Kelandon:
The Archive has a few pages devoted to series. Here are some you're missing:

Stareye\'s scenarios (no series title that I know of)
The Chicken Plagues
Also Drizzt's and Creator's as mentioned.
I wish I came with that scenario idea! What a pity I didn't register BoE...
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