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Question about turn order


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Hi, I just got this game and I don't know how the turn order works.


Right now, I've been in Khemeria. Enemies in Khemeria seem to attack twice before my characters get their turn. And it's not like they have battle frenzy on or anything fancy.


Does this have to do with the weight I'm wearing? Is it determined by class? What parameters can I change to not let the enemy get a higher ratio of available moves?


I hope this isn't in a FAQ. I just checked the two stickies and couldn't find anything on this.

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Turn order is usually determined by dexterity.


Most players don't like that opponents get extra attacks over the players forces. It gets worse when they get three or four attacks. Some are scripted to always happen even when they are terrorized with fear.


Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. We believe the game designer did. :)

This explains the games.


Wait until you get poisoned regularly.


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