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Praise to a legendary game, and hello!

Kingdom of West Brom

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Hi there,


I am a new member and wished to say hello from The Black country - ala Birmingham, England!


I have recently rediscovered Avernum through the epic and nostaglic re-release of the first game. I had many great memories of playing Spiderweb games when I was younger and its great to see Jeff is still successfully plying his trade with these unique and timeless games!


I have played games created by large teams and with massive budgets such as Assassin's Creed, Fifa etc but Jeff's games always had an uncomparable charm, relying on an imaginative story and idea. To be honest after playing any of the Avernum games you realise how meaningless ultra-slick graphics can be if the game has no soul!


I also had memories of posting on this board, and out of curiosity I searched for old posts using the email address I just about remembered using all those years ago, and I must say I have had a huge laugh reading how the only Blades of Exile scenario I made turned out to be some sort of in-joke reference to the worst scenario imaginable! (I was called lost_king) I was probably 10 or 11 at the time I made it haha!


Good to have grown up since that episode clearly... but boy is it great to revisit your childhood playing Avernum: Escape From The Pit !!


Roll on the sequel ASAP!

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It's actually much closer to Geneforge, or something like Dragon Age: Origins (and maybe DA2 though I haven't played that). You make one character, and are joined by others on the way, for instance, instead of making a group of adventurers off the bat. The plot is much more politically-orientated too, and the black and white Heroes-vs-Villains type of story from Avenrum is problematised so that you have a couple of groups who are fairly grey (some less so than others, perhaps) instead.


That said, it's still a SW game: retro-graphics, oodles to read, huge world, great writing. You should download the demo at least and try it out.

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We have faith that we will but pass from this vale of tears, called UBB, to a brighter world up yonder. Yet this existence is the only one we know. Will there really be another one to follow it? If so, will it really be better? Will our friends be there, too? We don't really know, but we hope.

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Melodrama aside, it's probable (not certain, but certainly intended) that the transition involve no losses. Same accounts, same posts, same mistakes, and all. Of course real life is rocky and it's likely there will be some manual labor involved in making all the pieces fit together right after they're disassembled, packed up, and transferred.


—Alorael, who doesn't expect to lose anything big. If you're registered here, you'll be registered in the misty future. And there's some emphasis on misty: it's unclear when any of this moving will happen.

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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Sylae
Based on the events of the last upgrade (read: "upgrade"), we are preparing for the worst.
To be fair, UBB.threads is a lot better than the previous version. It's still not very good, but it's definitely better.
One feature I think I'll miss, though, is the thread-type private messages. So far, I haven't seen any other board software that does that other than UBB, and it makes private messaging so much neater and more organized.
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Originally Posted By: Nioca
Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Sylae
Based on the events of the last upgrade (read: "upgrade"), we are preparing for the worst.
To be fair, UBB.threads is a lot better than the previous version. It's still not very good, but it's definitely better.
One feature I think I'll miss, though, is the thread-type private messages. So far, I haven't seen any other board software that does that other than UBB, and it makes private messaging so much neater and more organized.

SMF actually has an option (as of the 2.x versions) to make PMs appear in this fashion, in the PM display prefs. It's not quite as good as the UBB layout, but the other PM options more than make up for it.
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