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Avernum 1st Trilogy-Expansion

Death Knight

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Im of the belief that the first remake series of Avernum 1-3 was my favorite of the avernum series. I thought the new remake was cool and did a good job but i prefer the originals.


I am wondering if anyone ever did make any modifications to those set of games graphics wise. I happen to think that if avernum 1-3 could be altered to look like avernum 4-6, that would be even better. But of course this is a lot of work. Has there ever been a modding base of fans for these games?

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Is modding possible in this? I'm not so sure. I can't even find the scripts folder. And, I think the 3d Avernum trilogy graphics won't fit in the old. Unless altered to be similar. But I did try to put the graphic of the flawless crystal in A:eftp to Geneforge 5's flawed crystal. They don't look a bit similar, but it works fine.



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Originally Posted By: Death Knight
Im of the belief that the first remake series of Avernum 1-3 was my favorite of the avernum series. I thought the new remake was cool and did a good job but i prefer the originals.

I am wondering if anyone ever did make any modifications to those set of games graphics wise. I happen to think that if avernum 1-3 could be altered to look like avernum 4-6, that would be even better. But of course this is a lot of work. Has there ever been a modding base of fans for these games?

Am I understanding you right that you're saying that you like Avernum 1-3 more than Avernum: Escape From The Pit, but you like A:EFTP's graphics more? Then what did you like better about A1-3?

It would be possible, I think, to use some sort of resource editor (and a graphics editor) to insert A:EFTP graphics into A1, though it wouldn't make it quite look like A:EFTP. And it would be sort of a pointless exercise.
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Quite a few Geneforge graphics have been converted for use with BoA - its just a matter of repetively resizing each tile. It's not that difficult once you learn the right percentage to shrink the larger graphics to.


So yeah, possible, though as Kel stated, it'd be kind of pointless.

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Originally Posted By: ξ
Originally Posted By: Death Knight
Im of the belief that the first remake series of Avernum 1-3 was my favorite of the avernum series. I thought the new remake was cool and did a good job but i prefer the originals.

I am wondering if anyone ever did make any modifications to those set of games graphics wise. I happen to think that if avernum 1-3 could be altered to look like avernum 4-6, that would be even better. But of course this is a lot of work. Has there ever been a modding base of fans for these games?

Am I understanding you right that you're saying that you like Avernum 1-3 more than Avernum: Escape From The Pit, but you like A:EFTP's graphics more? Then what did you like better about A1-3?

It would be possible, I think, to use some sort of resource editor (and a graphics editor) to insert A:EFTP graphics into A1, though it wouldn't make it quite look like A:EFTP. And it would be sort of a pointless exercise.

What i liked better was a few things.

1-The lack of battle disciplines. I found that they made fighters to be very much the same as each other. Well aimed blows seemed to be the only tactics used. Also i much prefer the geneforge system where skills decided how you made your character, not just 10 disciplines, of which 2 are used regularly.

2-The skill system and the skills included. The system allowed for more replayability as you can specialize in any skill without a skill tree to hold you back. Also the assassination skill was awesome.

3-An actual much more balanced system between sword/board and spears. In avernum 1-3, swords were actually close to spears in damage and there was a much more balanced system then in Avernum Escape from the pit. This one really annoyed me. In the new remake sword and board is useless, spears are useless, the only fighter there is to make is dualwielding as it is really the most powerful type of weapon class.
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Originally Posted By: Y? Bcaus, IDK he's on 3rd & IDC
It saddens me to hear people calling A1-3 the original series when for me the originals will always be E1-3.

It's not used to distinguish between Exile and Avernum but between the two different Avernum trilogies, old engine and new engine. Think of it as an elision of "Original Avernum trilogy."

—Alorael, who needs to work on the nomenclature for when there's the old original Avernum trilogy and the new original Avernum trilogy starting with A:EftP.
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