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Little Brother is watching you read your eBook


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Ever since that Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction we know that TiVo was not only keeping track of what you watched, but how often you replayed certain parts. smile


Now your eBook is keeping track of your reading habits. Bookstores and publishers know what you read, but also how long it takes, how fast per page, and what parts you are reading. They can focus on what to push to you eBook addicts.


From now on I'm only buying paper books with cash. smile

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Originally Posted By: Parakeet
How depressing. Why does government & commerce need to usurp and increase what Mothers do? & to think I was considering an ebook reader since the purse chews up paperbacks so badly.

1. The Government had nothing to do with that article. It's just about ebook publishers and releasers like Amazon.

2. The eBook's aren't censoring what you see or read, they're just taking notes on your reading style so they can better tailor their suggestions to things that you would like and therefore buy, and altering your reading experience of the books themselves so it's more enjoyable and that, again, you're more likely to buy.

It all comes down to money in the end. Then again, just about everything comes down to money in the end.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
The eBook's aren't censoring what you see or read, they're just taking notes on your reading style so they can better tailor their suggestions to things that you would like and therefore buy, and altering your reading experience of the books themselves so it's more enjoyable and that, again, you're more likely to buy.
Thank you for being the voice of reason in this thread. I personally don't really see a problem with this.
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As much as I hate to agree with Dantius... If companies gathering information on our electronic behaviors and using them for marketing purposes is a problem for you, the internet may not be the best place to hang out. Google, Facebook, Amazon... I can't think of any major online presence that doesn't do some form of this. Even television monitors viewership. If the device you're using accesses some sort of network, this is the predictable outcome.

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It goes back to TiVo's giving you suggestions to what to watch. The "why does TiVo think I'm gay" or interested in programming that I don't want after recording one show and extrapolating from that. You see the same thing with YouTube giving me suggestions where they are clips I've seen or only marginally related to something I once looked at for a few seconds to determine it wasn't what I thought it would be.


The companies push certain selections and when you search through their catalogs you get blocked from what you want. Google search does it now where two users with the same keyword search get different result pages.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
The companies push certain selections and when you search through their catalogs you get blocked from what you want.
They give you suggestions, certainly, but I have yet to use a service that will not show me what I'm searching for if I search for something that isn't on their suggestion list.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
It goes back to TiVo's giving you suggestions to what to watch. The "why does TiVo think I'm gay" or interested in programming that I don't want after recording one show and extrapolating from that. You see the same thing with YouTube giving me suggestions where they are clips I've seen or only marginally related to something I once looked at for a few seconds to determine it wasn't what I thought it would be.

The companies push certain selections and when you search through their catalogs you get blocked from what you want. Google search does it now where two users with the same keyword search get different result pages.

I agree with what Dantius says. Sure, the problems you have mentioned are legitimate, but you can still find what you need to find. It just may not be as convenient as people would like. The problem you're describing sounds more like it's with the implementation of the idea, and not the idea itself.
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Yeah, customer data collection and mining is really on the rise; here is an article on Target's practices from a few months back. Like others in this thread, I'm not too worried about individual companies doing stuff like this. The end result is that large companies are able to give you the same personalized service you get from a mom-and-pop store.


What does worry me is when companies buy and sell customer data between each other. I may be comfortable with one company having sensitive data about me, but that doesn't mean they should 'gossip' with other companies about me. You've got to read the fine print sometimes, and be careful with 'free' services like Google and Facebook, because in those cases, you are the product.

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I've often been tempted to try an experiment: use different names (or different versions of my own name) to sign up for all kinds of different services that I use, then see which names show up in my direct mail advertising. This would have been more relevant if I had done it a decade ago, though, since direct mail is on the downslope and I'm willing to bet that the worst let-me-share-this-private-info offenders don't use it at all.

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Target takes data mining to an extreme in that different stores in the same city will have different merchandise. For instance one product is only available in one of three stores in a 5 mile radius.


Direct mail sells your info because it makes money. I had a friend that used different middle initials to subscribe and buy things to see where his info went.


Edit - A Nigerian scam artist got my name from the Optical Society of America mailing list because it had the same error.

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Yeah in the closest city centre to me there are two different branches of the same shop. They both have different stock (with a small amount of crossover for the most popular things). I really don't see the problem with this, as it's effectively doubling the availability of this particular store's wares.


Likewise, yeah, getting suggested content online sucks, especially when you only watched one Katy Perry video, for chrissakes, and only then to marvel at the set design, and then you get spammed with more Katy Perry videos to watch. But it's really easy to just not watch those, and watch something else (like

), and then you get all kinds of awesome suggestions for more Laura Marling.


Edit: Like

The system works!
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
It all comes down to money in the end. Then again, just about everything comes down to money in the end.
Exactly. Religions may come and go, but the Church of Divine Lucre will never die.

Originally Posted By: Homage
Here's a question, would you rather have an algorithm judge your purchases, or the cashier at the bookstore?
The cashier. He/she will give a much more accurate assessment, especially if you shop there often and chat with the people working there.
Originally Posted By: Homage
Edit Reason: it's, uh, for a friend.
Riiiight. tongue

Originally Posted By: Alokazam
Likewise, yeah, getting suggested content online sucks, especially when you only watched one Katy Perry video, for chrissakes, and only then to marvel at the set design, and then you get spammed with more Katy Perry videos to watch. But it's really easy to just not watch those, and watch something else (like
), and then you get all kinds of awesome suggestions for more Laura Marling.
If asked, I can provide an example that's just as bad, if not worse.
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