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A-EftP - Finished the game - my thoughts

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I just finished 3 main quests in Avernum: escape from the pit and here are my thought about the game.


It took me 48 hours to complete the game according to steam and that is an amazing value from an single player 10 dollar game. It took me a while to get into this game but eventually I was sucked into its world. I was a bit frustrated at times but most of the time I was enjoying myself.




- A very big world and a lots of things to do.


- I liked the story and the fact you can do things in the order you want.


- 3 independent main quests is a nice idea


- Mostly bug free. I did not encounter any major bugs as far as I can tell.


- Graphics while not really top of the curve were adequate for the job for this kind of game


Cons (maybe fix these for the next games?):


- Boat navigation is a pain in the ass. It always gets stuck somewhere. Why does it not work properly like the land movement does?


- I can't click some squares without pinpoint accuracy. Sometimes other character is on the way and it kinda annoys me.


- Dark areas were pain in the ass. You can't click on the blackness and you have to slowly inch your way forward by clicking 2 squares ahead of your party. Super annoying.


- Some insane difficulty spikes. For example I was expecting spiral cave to be relatively beginner friendly (and it was until the end) as it was near the staring area but nope.


Anyway I really liked the game and will recommend it to my friends. I may even check other spiderwebs games while I'm in it.

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Pretty much all your complaints have been made by others as well. The dark areas in particular are a legacy from the previous incarnation of the game, in which movement was primarily keyboard-based. They were frustrating enough the first time around, and they... did not translate well to the new engine. I'm glad you enjoyed the game despite its quirks.

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I've been playing for about 20 hours or so and am around level 15.


I'd have to say my biggest complaint would have to be about the interface, specifically how there are different keys needed to open and then close a menu.


It would be great if inventory and magic menus could be shut by the same key used to open them.

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I do wish secret passages and secret switches were just that : secret and well hidden and hard to find but extremely fun when you do. I remember a place in Exile III, right to the very edge of the map in the east where you had to walk over a bunch of islands and find an invisible path over the sea to reach a spot where herbs were growing to collect them. No THAT was secret. Now it is like you have signs hung over places saying "THIS IS A SECRET SWITCH, PRESS ME"/"THIS IS A SECRET PASSAGE, WALK THRU HERE". Though I do realise that some people still couldn't find it nevertheless laugh

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The reason secret switches are fairly obvious is because of people with poor eye sight not being able to see them. As for difficulty spikes, I saw that as well. It's an artifact of the open world more than anything.


Once I got the good spells to level 3 and got the great bonus effects, the game was suddenly much easier, I even cranked the difficulty up a notch because it got too easy.


One problem (if it is) is that charm is a beeyoch. I built an assassin type dual wield character all strength and lethal blow and he'd get charmed while under true haste with +ap items and take out most of my party in one turn!

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I honestly don't mind the dark areas that much. Other than the mild interface annoyance, I've always thought they were a good addition to the game. They do a good job of conveying that "blindly groping around in the dark" feeling. Even the annoyance isn't a big deal if you just switch to keyboard movement for those spots.

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