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Forum game No. two

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SCENE I. Elsinore. A platform before the castle.

FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO

Who's there?

Gibberish. I feel like this might just count under "Spam and Posting Games".
(I actually was surprised the other one was considered kosher, but the mods know best.)
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I did, though... But okay, I'll try again:




SCENE I. A desert place.


Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches


First Witch

When shall we three meet again

In thunder, lightning, or in rain?


Second Witch

When the hurlyburly's done,

When the battle's lost and won.


Third Witch

That will be ere the set of sun.


(I went the Infinite monkey theorem route rather than the Twilight route out of respect for potential fans.)

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
I feel like this might just count under "Spam and Posting Games".
(I actually was surprised the other one was considered kosher, but the mods know best.)

The other one is more of a forum roleplay. This one, however, is definitely a posting game and as such deserves a lock. But thanks to your posts, it deserves a special lock.


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