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Just realised that u lose just over 5 percent of experience gained for a kill for each creation you have in ur party!dang!! that and the fact that once u leave the storm plains all the beasts uve been walking round with become obselete.... is makin me sad....im playin a degected shaper am up to the karotel quest and have only made creations once, to take out some tough serviles my quick level gainin is goin downhill from now. is playin shaper even worth it?

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Don't worry. Since high levels result in less experience from killing enemies and quests, the slower level gain from having creations with you is counterbalanced by getting more experience later in the game. Even if you have a full roster of creations throughout the entire game, the PC will end up only a few levels behind a PC who goes solo the entire game.


The final chapters suck for gaining levels in either case. There's not much left that'll give you a lot of experience. Dikiyoba recommends making some strong creations like war tralls or gazers to get through the rest of the game.

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More creations tend to be better than a few powerful ones. It helps to have more to outnumber or even match the swarms of creations that you face. There are rarely any fights in the last half of the game where you can kill your opponents in one round. Your frail shaper appreciates them keeping the opponents away from him.

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If you would want to be powerful, try using Ganduv's script editor. Or try using the cheats by pressing Shift+D and typing shieldsup for every battle. If you don't want the cheats, try going to podling crossroads, kill the nearby drayk, and get the canister. It is a great start for you, regardless of the drayk creation being "barred" by the shapers

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Decided to make a dash for perikalia before attempting the shadow road. got create drayk on the way at the podling crossroads and bought create glaak and kyshak stole the canister tome and got a create wingbolt reward. now got two leveld up alphas as meat shields and freshly made two drayks a kyshak and a wingbolt saved a spot for a gazer for after i go to gazaki uss. im level 36 think thats enough for gorash-kel? the unbound fortres

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  • 7 months later...

Gorash-kel is pretty easy. Invest in some stun resistance, head there, blast them with slow damaging attacks (searer, burning spray and lightning aura) from a distance where they cant use their aura attacks (especially the one that curse, weakens and slows you) and wait. Using this method, I can do gorash-kel pretty early in the game.

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That was posted 5 months ago, Kittygazer. Check out the time stamps above peoples posts.


Even though it wasn't bad necromancy, and not against the rules, since you were posting something useful, that person has probably solved this already. 5 months is a long time to wait without a response. My bet is that he already went at Gorash-kel and died, or succeeded.

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My opinion could change. Currently, I only own three spiderweb games. One that was bought for me by the generous Harehunter. Exile III, instant favorite game tie-placer. If not, then second place. Two is Geneforge 5, That I got for my birthday last year. Easily the funnest experience yet. I am still going through the Trakovites though, the only faction I have not completed. And then, finally, Avernum 4, which I got for my birthday only 20 days ago. I still have yet to finish it. If I had any of the other games, I might like those more. Geneforge 5 holds my heart currently though.




Geneforge 5 gets way too little appreciation though.



I'm half serious about making a new topic or something of who loves Geneforge and why.



If, ofcourse, it isn't created yet. I have yet to see if these forums have a search feature

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