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A:EftP - Drath Quest bug/question *Light spoilers*

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Recent lurker making the jump to query.


In my first playthrough of EftP, I immediately decided I wanted Demonslayer.

this leads to me entering Drath's crypt at level 17 for the final piece. Unsurprisingly, my hindquarters are thoroughly kicked, but i get the tip, and read drath's spellbook, gaining the unique skill. After several attempts to kill the boss, I give up, and leave.


A full 10 LEVELS LATER, I am sent back to retrieve the book. This time, I am able to fight Drath, and do so. However, I can not interact with the spellbook at all. Nor is there a dialogue option to abort the quest.


Due to my... somewhat nonlinear exploration, I'm not sure this counts as a bug, but it's obnoxious to not be able to complete this quest.


Any advice/options?

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As far as I can tell you either read Drath's spell book, leave it there, or take it for one of three people that want it. Jeff likes to make players choose between multiple rewards in some games.


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I see. I guessed that might be the case.


What's annoying is that without having that book, 2 out of 3 of those people won't offer later quests, since there's no way to end the quest after reading it.

(P will presumably offer his other quests).


I'm not sure what I'd change here, but offering you a quest you are unable to complete seems unsatisfactory. The NPCs should be able to acknowledge that it's undoable, at least.

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This is not a bug. The book makes it really clear, if you choose to read it, that the pages become blank and there is nothing else you can do with it.


This is just a really obnoxious, pick-one-of-four-rewards-that-may-or-may-not-exist-depending-on-what-you-do-with-Pyrog's-book-and-which-you-can't-know-ahead-of-time scenario.

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I think it's a badly written line of text.


What does appear to be a bug is that there's no way to clear the quests from your list after you've read the book. With the Pyrog quests, you give the papers to one of the three and then tell the other two that you don't have them anymore and those quests go away. But with the Drath spellbook, I'm no seeing any dialog options for telling people I read the book myself and they can't have it, so I appear to be stuck with those quests on my quest list forever.

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Yeah. I believe if you give the Drath book to one of them, you can clear it with the others (and even do Thantria's final quest). But not if you read it. That kinda sucks. However, there is a shift-D fix for this problem:


SDF 40 20 1


I haven't tried it, but this should allow you to tell Thantria, Rita, and Kyass that you already used the book. Actually, it will let you tell them you gave it away, which isn't quite accurate, but at least you can move on.

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You didn't lose a main quest. You lost an optional reward for a quest other people ask you to do anyway.


Okay, I think there IS another bug here, when you try to report not having Pyrog's papers.


Try using this shift-D code:


SDF 34 26 1


That should solve the problem for both of the people you didn't give Pyrog's papers to.


I'm not 100% sure this is a bug, but that SDF is checked for if you've already given the papers away, but NOT if you try to turn them in, and it never seems to have its value changed elsewhere. It is in the SDF category for Pyrog's lair though, so it's possible it is changed in the hardcode when you collect Pyrog's papers.

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Thanks, problem it's not the Pyrog dialogue, I passed it already, it's the Drath's tome request. I read the tome in Drath's liar but she continues to give me the same dialogue about the quest: she says "Pyrog's papers are a minor detail compared to what is out there" and so on. The SDF 34 26 1 doesn't allow me to solve this empasse.

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Okay, I did some more looking, and some testing.


It turns out my solution was correct, but "SDF" must actually be in lowercase. So hit shift-D and type


sdf 40 20 1


then hit enter. Talk to her and the option should be there!


I am reporting this bug to Jeff.

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