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Problem with Wretch Warrens Fort


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Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves
At least it's more logical than gates that somehow open themselves when someone dies. As if they were holding it closed with sheer willpower.

Even that's not as bad as when the building starts to collapse whenever you kill the Big Bad inside it. That's just ridiculous.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves
At least it's more logical than gates that somehow open themselves when someone dies. As if they were holding it closed with sheer willpower.

Even that's not as bad as when the building starts to collapse whenever you kill the Big Bad inside it. That's just ridiculous.

But when you add in the spiritual and emotional power that these leaders bring, and how only their willpower is holding the bricks together then surely when they die the building must collapse? smile
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Originally Posted By: Malical
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves
At least it's more logical than gates that somehow open themselves when someone dies. As if they were holding it closed with sheer willpower.

Even that's not as bad as when the building starts to collapse whenever you kill the Big Bad inside it. That's just ridiculous.

But when you add in the spiritual and emotional power that these leaders bring, and how only their willpower is holding the bricks together then surely when they die the building must collapse? smile

So the evil empire with near-limitless resources and wealth is too stingy to hire a competent civil engineer to ensure that their incredibly expensive Fortress of Doom is possesses a modicum of structural integrity?
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Originally Posted By: Dantius

So the evil empire with near-limitless resources and wealth is too stingy to hire a competent civil engineer to ensure that their incredibly expensive Fortress of Doom is possesses a modicum of structural integrity?

Yep, they are too busy making evil plans, fine example is Imperium at Star Wars-movies, 1st Deathstar gets destroyed due bad design and 2nd gets destroyed cause it gets built so slowly.so when rebels attack its easy to get in.
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So how else would you vent the heat coming from the core? Would you rather have it boil your blood? And there is no such thing as an "invulnerable" anything. At least not in any sort of reality. And if you remember, the vent was incredibly small and only detectable through detailed schematics. On top of that, there were guard turrets all over the surface of the Death Star and squadrons of close-range fighter ships, all for the purpose of protecting any weakness.

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