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Triple Slartifer, Part 7

Mea Tulpa

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"slartifer! slartifer! slartifer!"


We shall continue in our attempt to banish the 331, now 332, soon to be 333 names of slartifer.


Below, you will find a list of 47 PDNs (chronological) and 47 crossword-style clues (alphabetical). These are the penultimate 45 PDN changes. This covers the first few months of 2010, plus the single name change yet observed in 2011.


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. BECAUSE THE PDNS BECOME UPPERCASE AND CONFUSING AT THE END OF THE DRAWER, SCORING HAS CHANGED: you will receive BETWEEN TWO AND SIX POINTS per reference correctly identified. Points will be awarded based on the QUALITY and ACCURACY of the explanation. You will get 2 points if you have no explanation or if it doesn't make any sense, and more points if your explanation is accurate, elegant, amusing, or otherwise admirable. To get 6 points, you will need an explanation that is both accurate and elegant.


Points will accumulate until all 333 names have been banished; and yes, there will be a prize at the end for the highest point totals. You may also have noticed that this list ends at the 332nd name... is this really the last Triple Slartifer?


A desk is a portion of a tree.

At the end of a writing desk--many of you know this--

there are drawers.

Each drawer represents one year in the life of the tree.

How long it takes to a grow a tree!


I don't mind telling you some things.

Many things I, I musn't say.

Just notice that my HEART is boarded up.

There will never be ACTIVITY there.

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291. Exersociatique

294. Leadendy

298. Intension

299. Bidirectional Reflection Whale




4-2 feature

Bonus points if you have any clue where this one came from

Breaking in the vernacular

Really not going anywhere


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Also, keep in mind that I do give credit for answers that are not the first answer, if they are within a few minutes. So you can save up your answers and just post every 10-15 minutes when you have new stuff.


EDIT: Of course, I double post when making this exhortation against double posting. tongue

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306. Minor Detaur - Changes of plans in a Knossos palace: Refers to the myth of the Labyrinth and minotaur.

311. DARK DARK DARK DARK DARK DARK - Like the Mertis Spiral: Probably not the best fit, but the Mertis Spiral did have an annoying dark section (at least in A2).

318. TIMEBREL DANTS ON TH FLHORLTHULG - Impossible speech sounds signify final commitment: How do you pronounce "FLHORLTHULG"?



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307. Scarab of Ra Ra Ah Ah Ah - Want your bad roguelike: Apparently Scarab of Ra was a first-person(?!) roguelike; combine this with the aforementioned song.

It seems highly likely then that 327 goes with Want your explosion, although I don't have justification for this.


EDIT: Include PDN in question.

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305. Rex Romanum Cryptogrammaticon might be Bonus points if you have any clue where this one came from- it's in reference to a byzantine king who got his Latin grammar corrected by a bishop and he replied with the Latin put-down "I am the Emperor of Rome and above grammar"- ego sum rex romanun st super gramattican.


Okay, that's probably not the correct pairing, but it's a badass quote anyways.

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307 - YES (+3) - Scarab of Ra was actually a pretty cool game, despite my Bad Romance parody.


Also, please copy both the PDN and the explanation. I can't keep up with all the submitted answers otherwise.



320 - no

329 - no, although that would make sense too

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309. EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER - Overly dramatic exclamation: Complaints that something (or everything, in this case) is ruined forever are usually the result of one unwanted or unexpected little detail.

322. GRIBBING BREDDERS HO HO LA - NSFW if you add in the missing letter (don't specify)

328. SLARTY TASTY!!!1!! - King demon?: The Demon of Good Taste strikes again?



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309. EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER could be paired with non sequitur, since it's a commonly expressed statement around the internet that often has little to no bearing on the prior conversation. Hence, a non sequitur.


Though if I wanted to be a pedantius, I could point out that non sequitur could be paired with just about any of the capital names on the list, since they're already pretty bizarre.

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305 - YES (+5) - "code switching" is actually a linguistics term that refers to switching between the use of different languages or, more frequently, sublanguages, which would include 'proper' versus vernacular.



300 - no - also if you aren't sure what NSFW means you may want to look that up

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HOUSE of S could be Compiler of slarternate continuities, because that's the PDN you've been using when you compiled all seven lists of PDN's, possibly after the House of Wisdom, which was a historical library in either Baghdad or Damascus that compiled historical records of prior civilizations before the Mongols destroyed it.

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Alright, I'm really proud I got this one! 303. The Legend of Imelda is SHE DIVIDED IT INTO 8 UNITS TO HIDE IT FROM "CORAZON".


Imelda Marcos was the wife of the dictator of the Phillipines who was renown for her taste in shoes, owning something to the order of 20,000 pairs. Her husband was eventually deposed and they were run out of the country. Corazon Aquino was one of the leaders of this deposition, which I actually remember strangely enough, annd she was a female. It's also a play on the game The Legend of Zelda, in which the Triforce is often divided up into parts and hidden for Link to find. So the title is implying that Imelda Marcos hid her shoe collection from Corazon to prevent her from finding it!


Wow, talk about complex.

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292. Suspended Anima - Really not going anywhere: A life postponed or held back.

302. Latchkey Adult - One who refuses responsibility: A latchkey kid could be said to be overly responsible, because they have to care for themselves while their parents are away. The exact opposite of a latchkey kid would then be an adult who does not act responsible.



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303 - YES (+5) - lol on the shoes, I wasn't thinking of those specifically. But yes, this is the story of Imelda Marcos. The clue line comes from the onscreen prologue to The Legend of Zelda: it is talking about Zelda dividing up the Triforce of Wisdom (the only time this occurs, to my knowledge) to hide it from "GANNON". Corazon Aquino was launched into the forefront of the rebellion after her husband was assassinated, and she actually became the first President of the newly constituted country. Meanwhile, Ferdinand Marcos is dead but Imelda Marcos is now an elected representative in the Philippines. Inspired by Here Lies Love, which is completely crazy if you haven't seen it.

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302. Latchkey Adult - One who refuses responsibility


latchkey kids are those that stay at home while their parents are at home. latchkey adults are then... parents who stay at home while their kids are at work?


298. Intension - Fate of His and Heretics


It is the intention of the Nine-Headed Cave Cow that the heretics shall always be In Tension.


293. Emobarbus Girl, Emobarbus World - Die die die


Death and darkness are the sentiment of the Emo. If the whole world is Emo than everyone will surely want to kill themselves from the depression of it.

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299. Bidirectional Reflection Whale is Preaching to the tiny about New York transflections


300. Vngrs Ssmbl Ll T F Rdr is Continuity breaks like a mirror


301. The Secret of Eureka is Lacking in Tact, in reference to the apocryphal story of Archimedes running naked through the streets after discovering a way to measure density, a move lacking in tact among other things.

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