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Triple Slartifer, Part 6

Mea Tulpa

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"slartifer! slartifer! slartifer!"


We shall continue in our attempt to banish the 331, now 332, soon to be 333 names of slartifer.


Below, you will find a list of 45 PDNs (chronological) and 45 crossword-style clues (alphabetical). These are the next 45 PDN changes. This covers several months in late 2009.


Your task is to correctly identify which PDN is described by each clue. You will receive THREE OR MORE POINTS per reference correctly identified. Points will accumulate until all 333 names have been banished; and yes, there will be a prize at the end for the highest point totals.


I carry a desk--yes.

Is it funny to you? It is not to me.

Behind all things are reasons.

Reasons can even explain the absurd.

Do we have the time to learn the reasons

behind a forum member's varied behavior?

I think not. Some take the time.

Are they called detectives?

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  • Replies 181
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241. Buried Leisure — Makes Larry a dull boy

242. Iudexter — Adroit judge

243. Iudex Machina — More fair-minded theatrical intervention

244. Liminal Term, Terminal Limb — Deepest ends

245. THIS!!!!???!!! — I did not FTT, I recorded its beauty

246. ff — F and only F

247. Wallular — Pertaining to tiny fortifications

248. Pentacle Crepe — Earthy preparation

249. Unfurl! — Preceding PDN, comma, this majestic event

250. Ears become cabbages — If Midenhall doesn't give the time of day

251. Tromp Lemon Démerde — Fool the world with sweet-tasting crap

252. Stricken and Freed — Jobless

253. Ambivilization — Equivonation

254. ...and its discontheques — Freud follows Life During Wartime

255. Metric Electric Lover — PBS anthem about a champion fighter

256. Fidelity, Anxiety, Frivolity — Words for America, maybe

257. Immaterialist Assault Group — Berkeley, Schelling, and Stereolab

258. Sometimes, only sometimes — When Depeche Mode questions everything

259. Mouse on Mercury — Electronic music from another world

260. Bufftucker — Code of Conduct trap in more ways than one

261. Slarty: The Abridged Series — Droll overdub of the Motion Picture?

262. Nullbuggery — Way to open a Wizard Lock

263. Metamorphose to the Foremost — Individual: viagra-related spam

264. Dashing Slash — Em, en, MM, or FF, among others

265. Zo Logick — Syra's postulate fizzles and dies!

266. Recursive Script — Timeless monastic pastime

267. Little Daedalite Twist — Like an ant through a seashell

268. Concave Cubine — Courtly vessel waiting to be filled

269. Hold the sky up while you cry — Atlas to the heavens

270. Margerine Eclipse — Single moment in time when Mary dies

271. Drawn And — Ends in pieces

272. Lovebound Geas — The things you do for love

273. We are the Earth Intruders — Bjork, alienated

274. Otherside — Like the strange land created by the Mani Mani statue

275. Roboflip-flopolis — Oscillodyssey Escape Challenge!

276. Organization of Dots — Internet domain, maybe

277. Unmazer — One who attempts a daedalite task

278. Pray for New Flesh — Action of Stereolab's twirling skeleton

279. Misfit B — Second in an ironic group

280. Psychosnow Emanation — Jinx, or maybe Mallow

281. Circumspecter — The spirit of the place

282. Deixistential Angst — Referential dilemma

283. Attalkable Count — Filibustering an accountability scheme

284. Phleg-o-matic — Humorous victim

285. Bilgy Bow-Builder — Noah, Utnapishtim, or Ziusudra

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285. Bilgy Bow-Builder could be Noah, Utnapishtim, or Ziusudra, since bilges and bows are parts of boats, and Noah could refer to Noah's Ark. The other names look Mesopotamian or Persian, so maybe they'e in reference to the other great flood tales like in Gilgamesh that CMI and AIG are always yammering on about?

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269. Hold the sky up while you cry - Atlas to the heavens

In Greek myths Atlas holds up the sky.


247. Wallular - Pertaining to tiny fortifications

-ular is a suffix used for tiny objects


Edit -


267. Little Daedalite Twist - Like an ant through a seashell

In Greek myth Daedalus ties a thread to an ant and has it crawl through a seashell.

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269. Hold the sky up while you cry - Timeless monastic pastime


I have another guess for this one but the other seems more like a title so... monasteries have devout people who like to pray a lot. Sometimes when praying they're lifting their hands to the sky and rather emotional in doing so. Thus the appearance of holding the sky up while they cry.


Can I just make my other guess now? Not sure if you have any rules about it.


278. Pray for New Flesh - Timeless monastic pastime


Again, people in monasteries like to pray. The New Flesh could refer to catholic communion or for the second coming.


Also *facepalm* if it is neither of these.

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266 - no - although I sort of figured that might be the first guess for that one

267 - OK (+3)



269 - YES (+3) - although actually in Greek myth, Slarty is an idiot. The actual reference is to

, but I couldn't come up with a reasonable way to make that a clue

247 - YES (+4) - actually, it's the Latin infix -ul- that adds in smallness; -ar is just a standard English adjectivizing suffix.

267 - YES (+4)

277 - YES (+3) - although I haven't heard before that Daedalus told the secret to Ariadne. In any event the escape passage was closed by the time Daedalus was thrown into the labyrinth, hence the phrase "trapped in a maze of his own devising" and the PDN describing his task.



243 - YES (+3) - "Deus ex machina" (note the spelling) refers to a sudden intervention in a story, from out of nowhere, that resolves a plot point. The original reference was to the cranes (machines) used in Greek drama to hoist an actor onstage in the guise of a god, providing resolution, hence, "a god from a machine." "Iudex" is Latin for a judge.

269 - no

278 - no - and in the future, only one guess at a time, as I've already said. I think the reason that stricture is needed, is pretty obvious



241 - YES (+4) - and boy was Larry not a dull boy

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280. Psychosnow Emanation - Preceding PDN, comma, this majestic event. The PDN before this is Pray For New Flesh. Flesh is the body. Psychosnow makes me think of psychosomatic, which pertains to symptoms in the body. I'm not sure what a Psychosnow Emanation would look like (the mind causing snow to emanate from the body?), but it could be majestic, I suppose.


This falls flat if I erred in connecting psychosnow to psychosomatic.

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248. Pentacle Crepe - Referential dilemma


Refers to Tentacle Rape and possibly Pentagrams both of which could cause dilemmas depending on who complains about their references.


249. Unfurl! - Preceding PDN, comma, this majestic event


When the Pentacle Crepe is unfurled over the whole world. Muahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!

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