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Nasty battles


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I'm around middle of game and so far team has been sucking health potions on many battles and I have bought nearly all stores empty of health potions and still more potions in inventory wouldn't hurt.


Battles against multiple enemies are nasty and even if 1 doesn't do much damage when its multiplied by 4-6 health drops quite quickly especially if character is poisoned or gets attacked with magic (some enemies/monsters tend to be nearly 100% hit rate).


Also some enemy spellcasters have natural ability to cast some spells 2 times in row and when natural haste is added to equation batlles come difficult.


1 example is that team was fighting against shade who can conjure undeads (spellcasters and simple melee attackers) and teleport team members away and do other nasty things and was 1-2 hit away to die and shade had teleported 2 team members away already and on next turn shsde teleported 3rd member away and after team confronted it again it had been healed and looked like it was at full power again (not interested to go 2nd round (if no reloads counted) against it especially 1 char had used nearly all health potions she had during 1st round until team gains few more levels).

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You my want to restart your game while it's still early. I was in your situation playing on torment and ran out of almost all healing potions in the next major quest section after the first Castle Vebeaux quest. There aren't that many more healing potions available to buy and find.


It helps to rely on shaman healing and scarabs near the start to avoid using up those healing potions in the early part of the game. Also higher endurance to deal with poison and acid. Using food every round instead of waiting to use potions when you need them later also helps.


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I have lots of food and bandages but those usually give health back their minimum (somewhat close) than max.


Too many boss battles require healing and due bosses are most likely hasted and have high health or résistances (most dumb is immune to fire which makes casters nearly useless (ice abilities cooldown means that those are somewhat useless) and bows do low damage) so all action points wouldn't want to use on eating food (if even possible since chars are quite easily dumbfounded/stunned for couple rounds and enemy doing alot damage per round means food healing is useless ).


If normal difficult is hard then hard must be Avernums torment and torment is for masochist.


Atm I have maybe 10 health potions for 3 chars and maybe same amount can be bought.


Endurance is 15 or 16 on all chars.

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I did find neray ...couldn't kill her,them bats are a [censored].

2nd time around I let her go,prolly should'nt have,oh well.

My ? is there a way to cheat?Like in avernum 6 ...you could hold the shift button and press D and shift ...type ouch 3 times and restore health,type im drained restores energy...is there a something similar in avadon?i need some help

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I completed it on hard with shadowalker, Jennell and Nathalie. I didn't find it too bad, and while I did use up the standard health potions, I think I had most of the stronger health elixirs left at the end.


Maybe your battles are running on too long? Haste, regen etc. at the start might save on health potions later. I know the shade only managed two teleports when I fought her (and the shadowalker managed to get back to the fight).


Also, I advise killing minions as a priority in most cases - they are much easier to kill than bosses and in aggregate they can do lots of damage. Try to do splash damage to the boss while killing minions if you can.


Nathalie has more spells than ice blast - she has ice storm and steel shards for example.

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Also, Shadowwalker and Blademaster can cast Healing Spelly, especially the blademastered Healing is powerful, as it adds Regeneration at higher levels. Using them rather soon than late is always helpful in saving potions. Also if you get killed a lot, you can still change the difficulty in the Prefereces mid-game, so you might switch to an easier difficulty. And having the Heal Self and Group Heal Scarabs equipped doesn't hurt, either.

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Killed shade on 3rd try (2nd ended on SW's death after teleport so reload was used) via killing those zombies harassing 1st char with circle of fire scroll (damn zombies have that good health that it took to charges to kill those) and then moved her to shade's chamber and blasted shade with 2 chars and 1 hellhound (3rd was busy with zombies after getting teleported).


Next is battle against demon and its imps. Demon can summon imp every round/every 2nd round but player's char can't summon help that often.

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