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A Shadowwalker's Lance?!?


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I'unno. I never used that lance (or any polearm, really...) but I do like the idea of breaking the "classical" image mold. I just wish Jeff would put back some diversity in this item catalog for these games. Why? Because Backstabbing my enemies WITH A GREATSWORD!!!!!! ... sounds equal parts fun and ridiculous.


And yes, there's a nice Katana-y sword later on your Shadowwalker will love to their de facto ninja-y heart's content.


If nothing else, though, you have to admit it at least sounds cool. "Shadowwalker's Lance." - I like it.

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I wonder if Jeff has ever considered expansions for his games. Even Basilisk got in on the action with the expansion for Eschalon Book II. Jeff could add some new areas, more side quests, and increase the level cap. Maybe an expansion could give the player some of the freedom I've been itching for.


Overall, not a bad way to make a little more money off of an existing product and, as long as the quality and content are there, not a bad way for players to get more enjoyment from a game they already own.

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A remake is definitely not an expansion. I know it added (a tiny bit of) content; they are still two totally different things.

True. True. But it seems to me that the design Jeff has chosen for Avadon lends itself better to expansions than that of Avernum (the later ones, especially). In the case of Avadon, Jeff can just design a whole new area map, have some NPC somewhere tell you to go there (which makes it pop up on your world map) and voila: a whole new adventure!

The open, sandbox world of Avernum 6 would be harder to shoehorn new content into, though I definitely prefer that kind of world map and gameplay style to the multi-scale, you-can-only-go-there-if-someone-tells-you-it-exists style of Avadon.
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The problem with putting an expansion on Avadon is that we have 2 distinct ending types: rebellion and loyalty. To make a good expansion, Jeff would have to do continuations for both of these. By making a new game, Jeff gets to make up an ending and make a single story line from there.

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Even in the rebel ending you're still keeping up appearances of being loyal to Avadon. I'd think you could make an expansion that would make sense either way around that.


Also, the real-life ninjas did use polearms sometimes. One of the more famous ones (I forget his name) even developed a unique style of spear-fighting.

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