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Name That Classic Super NES Game by First Line


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All of the quotes listed here are the FIRST LINE of a classic SUPER NINTENDO game. That means either the first line of the prologue, or if there is no mandatory prologue the first text you see when playing the game. If you have a guess at the answer to one or more questions, post them! I'll strike out the quotes as they are correctly guessed. There is only one rule:


Do not use Google to find the answers. Seriously, this just takes the fun out of it for other people.



1. THE YEAR IS 2050. And the megaplexes are monsters casting long shadows. (Shadowrun; found by Lilith)

2. BIG MAN is strong and has great endurance. His boomerang axe is powerful but slow.

3. A voice came from above. "My follower, since you will be able to speak with all living things, you should have a name." (Soul Blazer; found by Lilith)

4. Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland, and magic simply ceased to exist. (Final Fantasy 6 AKA Final Fantasy III in the US; found by Nikki)

5. This is the story of Harley: genius, scientist, and all-around cool dude. Whether he is flying his jetpack or inventing an experimental shrinker machine, he is in total control. Until one day...

6. Without warning, the island suddenly appeared in the sky. Four foul and wicked beings claimed it for themselves. (Lufia: The Fortress of Doom; Lilith was close; found by Alorael)

7. Hiiiiiiii kids! Some pesky rats have infested my lovely fun house and I need your help to get rid of them! (Krusty's Super Fun House; found by Lilith; yes, oh god)

8. Every one hundred years the forces of good mysteriously start to weaken. Thus, the power of Dracula starts to revive itself. His power grows stronger and stronger every one hundred years. (Cabadath was close) (Super Castlevania; found by Alorael)

9. ......, I don't have enough strength

......, Give yourself to God

Pray to God! Praise God! You must become God's strength ...... (Breath of Fire II; found by Lilith; MAN that was a great game)

10. Help me... Please help me... I am a prisoner in the dungeon of the castle. (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past; found by Nikki)

11. About 4.6 billion years ago, the "Sun" had nine smaller stars and named the third one "Gaia"

12. We, the Lords of Waterdeep, have gathered to purge our city of an ancient evil. (Eye of the Beholder; found by Ephesos)


Copyright © 2105, 2109, 2114 NOM Corporation

All Rights Reserved (Mega Man X; found by Lilith; om nom nom)

14. Actually, he's already here....

15. Podunk, U.S.A. Fall, 1965. An experiment is about to conclude... "My friends, prepare to be a part of history!" (Secret of Evermore; found by Alorael)

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1) Is it Shadowrun? Gotta be Shadowrun. The Genesis version was better, though.

3) Soulblazer. I can recognise that awkward Enix dialogue anywhere.

4) Pretty sure this is Final Fantasy 6. NIKKIIIII

6) Lufia 2. I think it's 2, anyway.

7) Krusty's Super Fun House. Oh God.

9) Breath of Fire 2. Way too easy.

11) Is it Illusion of Gaia? Here's where we see if I can make good on my boast about recognising awkward Enix dialogue.

15) This has to be Earthbound, right? There can't be more than one game with a Podunk in it.

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11 -- No, but it IS an Enix game. It's a much better game than Illusion of Gaia, too.

15 -- Actually, there is no Podunk in Earthbound AKA Mother 2. Podunk is in Earthbound Zero AKA Mother. But yeah -- I very nearly put down "name the other game with Podunk" as a bonus question.


P.S. Aren't you amazed that I made a list of SNES games and managed not to mention Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Kart, or Super Metroid? I know I'm amazed.

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15 -- Actually, there is no Podunk in Earthbound AKA Mother 2. Podunk is in Earthbound Zero AKA Mother. But yeah -- I very nearly put down "name the other game with Podunk" as a bonus question.

i am dumb and should have remembered this

it's not like the naming convention for towns in earthbound is complicated or anything

edit: dammit i think i remember what game it is now but i'll let somebody else guess first
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6. No, it's Lufia I. Lufia II doesn't start with the Sinistrals around.


8. Some Castlevania. Super Castlevania?


11. Uh. Not Terranigma, I don't think. Soul Blazer?


15. Oh, Secret of Evermore. You poor red-headed stepchild to Secret of Mana.


—Alorael, who didn't know there were Forgotten Realms games for SNES. Learn something new every day!

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2. This is kind of a wild guess, but I remember a Mortal Combat-like fighting game where the Shao Khan figure was a fat guy with a shark mouth on his belly, sort of like a Snapping Turk from Yellow Submarine, but more naked. I vaguely recall it not really having any sort of intro or exhibition and just sort of getting right into the game, which would make the fighter description first text fit the game, but I can't remember the title of the game. Do I get half credit at least?

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