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A6 - Broke Sorengard Sentinel Quest


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Hey all long time fan of Exile/Avernum games, dont normally need assistance but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it is still possible to get access to the treasure/reward in the barrier protected room belonging to Sorengard without completing his quests.


I did the first sentinel (test construct) quest only I ended up accidentally killing the red sentinel that you talk to (sprayed it with acid). I did a whole bunch of other quests before coming back to Sorengard where I learned about the second construct test which of course is now impossible to complete, dont have a recent earlier save prior to the event either.


I tried using a crystal to bring down the barrier but it wasn't powerful enough.


Also on a side note and I dont mind spoilers but if you help Gladwell I assume he is a bad guy, can you do his quests and still stop him ?



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Thanks Cabadath, also seems my luck is running well as after a trek over to the great portal upon my return to the area with the sentinels they had all re-spawned including the red one.


One last question does giving the meal bags to Edmund in Almeria get you anything worth while or is it a dead end, I've given a few so far but no rewards yet and its in the quest log.



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