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A6 - Mystery Thread.


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I thought X was his name. Maybe it was. Or something really embarrassing like Joanne. What kind of a name for a guy is that? Seriously? Let's just stay with X, okay? ;-)


And the other dimension was supposed to be interesting. X was hanging around for ages, all the other archmages gone, he didn't feel the need to hang around. Much like the Elves in LotR. He left Avernum to be solely ruled by the younger and fresher ones. His time had come to transcend these spheres and ascend into another level of being. And an interesting and oddly fascinating dimension, that sounds like X. Maybe it was our dimension? Who knows.

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The Wishing Well does nothing. It's just a gigantic con by the Castle to extract extra money from travelers passing by there. Once a month someone comes out and empties it.


Did you ever wonder what Sgt. Nichol was doing while you were off fighting goblins in Deep Storage? If you finish the fight quickly and stay in fight mode, you can hurry back to help him finish off some giant rats.

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Originally Posted By: Velzan
Another Mystery - The wishing well near Almaria, Does it actually DO anything? Or is some gremlin just jumping down, looting it then Faerie Porting out every so often ?
I remember I looked at the scripts to see if anything happened at all, and the only thing that happened was the person who uses it loses money.

Remember the hero the tower colony sent in with demonslayer to try to finish off the demon? Who was he? I remember talking to someone in the colony, and they told me a little about him, but that wasn't really anything. Does anyone know more?

Originally Posted By: Velzan
Does this Game Even have a challenge Area? If so Where is it ? is it under that rock i didnt look under?
Nope. But there are harder fights everywhere that you will have to come back for, so I guess those are the closest things to a challenge area this game.
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Originally Posted By: Other
Remember the hero the tower colony sent in with demonslayer to try to finish off the demon? Who was he? I remember talking to someone in the colony, and they told me a little about him, but that wasn't really anything. Does anyone know more?


That Would be Captain Abradan, The Mysterious guy with no real backround that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.



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