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A6 - Formello siege (south of Formello)


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So I'm at endgame and have been trying to figure out if the sliths laying siege to Formello are the respawning type or if they are actually beatable. I did notice that I get a meager amount of XP per slith killed, which suggests a different breed of slith than those inhabiting Formello. Does anyone know? (Many thanks!)

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There are two groups of sliths at the south and west gates of Formello. There are fixed ones that are in camps that will not respawn and there are a few that appear at the gates themselves and respawn. The fixed ones give XP, but the respawn ones probably don't. This is the same inside Formello.


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Toward the end of the game I had the same idea to try to clear the lands outside the city. I approached and then ran away from the "Horde Protector" encounters that pop up (with dialogue message) a couple of times.


Eventually I tried to face them, but they were inflicting 500-600 points of damage on every swing even on 'Casual' difficulty. Anybody else have this experience?

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Earlier in the game, I tried attacking and peeling off two or so Horde Protectors at a time, but this got monotonous fast as I couldn't figure out how many were left. After reaching near the end of the game, I made a frontal assault from the southeastern bridge. Through a series of charms, buffs, battle crystals, and invulnerability draughts, I managed to kill the first large group of fifteen (?) Horde Protectors. However, after killing these, I was still being pestered by one or two newly arrived Sliths. So rather than waste more resources on them, I decided to retreat. Maybe I'll try again after the next to last task.

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Originally Posted By: BillBixby
Earlier in the game, I tried attacking and peeling off two or so Horde Protectors at a time, but this got monotonous fast as I couldn't figure out how many were left. After reaching near the end of the game, I made a frontal assault from the southeastern bridge. Through a series of charms, buffs, battle crystals, and invulnerability draughts, I managed to kill the first large group of fifteen (?) Horde Protectors. However, after killing these, I was still being pestered by one or two newly arrived Sliths. So rather than waste more resources on them, I decided to retreat. Maybe I'll try again after the next to last task.

Yeah, I tried that, too (minus the crystals and potions). I fought my way all the way up to the moat, but it became obvious that most of what I was fighting at that point was spawns and it didn't seem like there was anything interesting up ahead, so I gave up. I could have continued the fight for a while longer before having to retreat, but it just wasn't any fun.
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There appear to be groups of 4 sliths that respawn periodically at the west and south bridges. when I finished the game I went back and used the editor to get my characters up to the max in all stats. I then went exploring in those areas were respawning sliths made it really untenable to go before.


By the way is there anyway to get into the upper level where the slith archers are right to the south of the river below formello?

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