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A6 - Challenge areas


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There are lots of little challenge areas scattered throughout the game this time instead of one big one.


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The first big challenge you're likely to come across is the Crypt Wight under the Memorial Grounds. It's essentially a slightly more complicated version of the Soultaker battle from A5. There's another, arguably even tougher fight in a different tomb that requires 12 tool use to get into.


The Honeycomb is a nightmare if you rush there as soon as it becomes accessible. If you save it until after you've cleared out the Eastern Gallery, it'll still be a challenge.


There are some Darkside Loyalists hiding in the Abyss. They put up a solid fight if you try to press too far into their hideout. You could also try to kill Lord Farrar as soon as you meet him; this is inadvisable.


An old friend living in the Eastern Gallery in A4 makes a return in A6. He's actually easier this time, and the battle with him is more fun. Surviving long enough to get to him is no picnic, though. Trying to clear out the chitrach nest is a fun time, too.


Basically, if you explore each part of Avernum fully at the time it becomes accessible you'll find at least 3 or 4 places where you're out of your depth. Some challenges will be just one fight, but a tough fight: others will be a whole map area or more.

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Originally Posted By: elchipeo
you can try to kill melanchion. that was pretty hard.


Not really, Melanchion isn't so hard.


The Wild Abyss Wood Darkside Loyalist base and below Marauder's Hideout are harder because of the scripting that only allows the boss to take damage in certain ways. Even the boss in the Skeletal Ruins is harder with the two part fight to eliminate the lich.

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