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Favorite Geneforge 1 Factions?

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I like Obeyers but the fact the worship shapers is a bit extream.


Takers are too angry and apart from Gnorrel, they are unreasonable.


Awakened are nice and reasonable but there are no quests straight away once you join them.


So picking the lesser of three evils, Awakened win. Followed by Obeyers than Takers.

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I actually don't really like any G1 factions. But awaakened are fine for the most part scratch the self-shaping. They should be allowed to express their own beleifs in the absence of shapers, and the obeyors also do what they do without raicalness. So i dislike takers/sholai. Goettcsch is a loser and thats it.

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The Awakened do have the best mindset, for their given situation. Some may scoff at how it's unrealistic to assume the Shapers will allow peaceful Serviles to coexist; however, when all of the coexisting is done on a barred island off the uncivilized end of the continent, then it's not nearly such a dangerous idea to behold.


That said, in ideal conditions, I favor the Obeyers. They basically reconciled Servile slavery with Servile independence, all under the rule of the Shapers. If all of the Serviles in Terrestia were like the Obeyers, there would never have been a problem. But, pragmatically, the Obeyers are unrealistically happy slaves. In a sense, I think that Serviles were originally designed to be like the Obeyers, but this never could happened.


The Takers, on the other hand, while realistic in their ideology, are crazed in their goals. A band of, essentially, Servile cultists cannot take down the entire Shaper Empire. As the series progresses, we see that it is not the Takers who destroy the Shapers; the Drakons took control, and forged the coalition of interests that is the Rebellion.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Goldenking
A band of, essentially, Servile cultists cannot take down the entire Shaper Empire.

They can, and they did. Ever played the "Help Trajkov" ending?

Goldenking is right in what he said. "Servile Cultists" cannot take down the shaper empire. However serviles cultsits and Trajkov can.
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I think my reply is going into G1 Spoilers so read at your own risk.


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No he wasn't, he was the Takers Ally. Takers were serviles that wanted to take their freedom from Shapers. Trajkov was a Sholai that had independance but wanted to help creations get theirs. The rest of the Sholai wanted power and Trajkov knew how to get it. Trajkov and the Sholai were not Takers because fundamentally the requirment for a Taker was to want your freedom. Thus the Sholai are the Takers Allies and are not a Takers themselves.
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imaginative, i think, definetly hilarious. i meant he was allied. with could mean either allied of follower. so we're both right. i suppose.


super uncapitalization powers. with overuse of periods. i'm obviously needing of sleepness.


llloyd out and wilko. or maybe it's that the fluffy turtles have eaten the last of my sanity now and i'm experiencing sanity withdrawl. does that happen? either way i must be insane.


with the takers, ally of or follower. though they were very close allies. period. bed to off i am

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