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Lake of Trials: Time Limit? (some spoilers)


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I completed part of the Lake of Trials, then decided to move on and get back to it later. I'm about to finish the Vahnatai Lands, so I went back to Highground and rowed up to the Lake. But, I can't get into it anymore! All the tunnels that appeared originally are there, but I seem to be blocked from the entrance and the walls do not appear and disappear as I walk through the Slimy Tunnels. Is this normal? Is there an in-game or scripty way to get back in there?

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It is here.

Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha
Ghost Mode

If you want to walk through the walls like a ghost, make the following alterations to av5floorster.txt, using the Replace All function.


Replace "tr_blockage_type1 = 2" with "tr_blockage_type1 = 0".

Replace "tr_blockage_type1 = 3" with "tr_blockage_type1 = 0".

Replace "tr_blockage_type2 = 3" with "tr_blockage_type2 = 0".


You won't need to know where they occur in the file, the function handles this for you. This is handy for anyone thinking of writing an authorative walkthrough.


Obviously make a copy of the file first, so you can quickly undo the changes when you are finished.


You should also know that by doing this, enemies can also go through the walls to attack you.

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