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Sholai poll and ultimate weapon question[G5]

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Hello Again People of the SpiderWeb

This thread is for two things


There are a lot of weapons in the geneforge series many powerful whats your Ultimate weapon? mines the Puresteel soulblade with Golden crystal.

Now for the second Geneforge 5 is the last in the series but i wonder how many people would like to have a GF6 based in the sholai lands (just off the top of my head)

So Below is a poll of Yes or No) Enjoy laugh I vote Yes.

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Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
As the only Shaper around, you could usher in a new age of wanton destruction.

The Sholai hardly seem helpless. Even without shaping to back them up they seem tough enough to deal with the Shaper empire as equals.

—Alorael, who wonders if the Sholai have an overwhelming advantage in (human) numbers. Or just no constant risk of rebellion to worry about.
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Given the number of mages the first Sholai expedition had around before canister abuse came into play and possibly some technological advantages (given their better navigation abilities and ship weaponry) as well, the Sholai could definitely hold their own against the Shapers.


If the Sholai happen to have access to any mental magic, then it's a very good thing indeed for the Shapers that the Sholai don't have a warlike or expansionist attitude. Those hordes of creations would suddenly become a massive liability if the Sholai sent a few infiltrator-types in.



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My weapon would be (and always is, in all the games that have them) the the oozing blade. With enchantments, of course. I always love that extra poison damage.


I say no to G6 since after G5, even though there is a missing continent, the plot is finished. The rebellion has either won or lost. What would Jeff make that game about?

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Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin
He could always make a game about a new rebellion...on a new continant...with a different type of intellegent creation because drakons were isolated to terrestia.

And we would all cry. "Not Rentar-Ihrno again!"

—Alorael, who has a sneaking suspicion that the masses would eat it up. If Geneforge was good, ReGeneforge would be even better!
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Originally Posted By: Velzan
Hello Again People of the SpiderWeb
This thread is for two things
There are a lot of weapons in the geneforge series many powerful whats your Ultimate weapon? mines the Puresteel soulblade with Golden crystal.
Now for the second Geneforge 5 is the last in the series but i wonder how many people would like to have a GF6 based in the sholai lands (just off the top of my head)
So Below is a poll of Yes or No) Enjoy laugh I vote Yes.

The regular Puresteel Blade does more damage than the Puresteel Soulblade.
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1. Spddin Do you think 5 islands is bigger than Terrestia? Seriously Terrestia alone takes up G2 G4 And G5s area.... while Ashen isles only seen in G3


2. I dont think the shapers would ever have a second council it could very well split the shapers up into two seperate factions and in G3 it says The ashen islands is the smaller of the two continents controlled by shapers.

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