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What is up with the geography of the Citadel east ward?[G5]

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Seriously...when you're in southwestern Terrestria and enter the East Ward via what APPEARS to be a southern entrance, you appear at the eastern entrance!


And when you are in northwestern Terrestria and enter what APPEARS to be a northern entrance, you STILL appear at the eastern entrance.


What's more, you cant walk through and go from the "northern entrance" to the Ward to the "southern entrance", even though the ward should technically be a third pass through the mountains there >_<


Anybody want to come up with a strange, random thought to explain this?

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Just look at the map: the zones are quite far apart. You travel a long way between them, even though nothing happens en route. So your path may wind around quite a bit, on the way.


At least, that's how I think about it. I have often wished Jeff would make this explicit somewhere in the games, because it would help with realism.


(I just edited the topic title to something that means exactly the same, and doesn't contain an obscene acronym. No biggie, but we try to keep things family-friendly here, so that Jeff keeps all his customers.)

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Originally Posted By: Master1
Maybe it's just a game, and this was the easiest way to get everything to work. Honestly, I like it. Even though you don't get it until the end of the game, it provides a really quick passageway from the northern to the southern map.

But you can't get from the north to the southern map or vice versa via the Ward -_-
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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
Just look at the map: the zones are quite far apart. You travel a long way between them, even though nothing happens en route. So your path may wind around quite a bit, on the way.

At least, that's how I think about it. I have often wished Jeff would make this explicit somewhere in the games, because it would help with realism.

Certain zones do hint at that when you enter them for the first time.

You enter Kratoa-Kel, the keep at the top of this pass between the Mera-Tev to the north and the Storm Plains to the south. The climb up here was long and exhausting. The path was narrow and rocky, with many switchbacks. Anyone trying to attack this keep would have a very difficult time. Put a handful of kyshakks at the top of the narrow trail and any attackers would suffer gruesome casualties.

Dikiyoba can't remember any others at the moment, but there are definitely more.
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The east entrance is split up into two separate parts. The top part represents the "northern entrance" and the bottom part represents the "southern entrance." The layout is done differently, but not entirely inconsistent.


You can, therefore, travel from the northern section of the map to the southern section and vice versa via the east ward.

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Originally Posted By: Barzhal
The east entrance is split up into two separate parts. The top part represents the "northern entrance" and the bottom part represents the "southern entrance." The layout is done differently, but not entirely inconsistent.

You can, therefore, travel from the northern section of the map to the southern section and vice versa via the east ward.

OOoo..i never knew that..thanks!
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It reminds me of a very old game called 'Castle of the Winds'. The dungeons are different every time. When you are on one level there will be two stairs up and two stairs down, except for the very begining and ending.


When you go down from say level 5 to level 6, on level 5 the two staircases might be quite close to each other but on level 6 they could be at opposite ends of the dungeon. You just get used to it.


Have fun anyway, WW.

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