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faction betrayel[G5]

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No. Factions will understandably become leery if you start readily jumping ship. I believe you can betray one faction and join another successfully as long as you've gone from rebel-leaning to Shaper-leaning or vice versa. If you drop that faction too, you've successfully made everyone lose faith in you and get treated to a special ending in which everyone can put aside their differences long enough to hunt you down for being a backstabbing threat to all parties.


—Alorael, who supposes that makes enough sense. It's not as though these are especially tolerant people you're working with.

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The conditions listed in the scripts mostly seem to rely on reputation/leadership (and not much reputation is required if you have moderate leadership skill, so this is not a relevant factor) and on the status of certain quests. I know there are a few like the shredbugs that can be an obstacle for certain faction switches, but in most cases faction switches should be possible, even if it is possible to mess up your chances.

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I migrated through all factions except Taygen. I started off in Alwan's faction to get the skill training and high level spells. I stayed until I got the purity agent quest, I did nothing in the secret laboratory other than kill everybody. I saved up all the reputation encounters I could throughout the game and then went and offered rebel opinions and did rebellious things. I then joined the Trakovites, Astoria, then Ghaldring to reap as many benefits I could. It worked quite well. Nobody in Terestia trusts me now, but that's life.


Also, what is really funny is that even with a rebellious reputation you can still get training from Shaper Marzan, Sage Pavyl, and Guardian Kulish if you're still in Alwan's faction. You can get shaper training and rebel quests at the same time.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
You don't get the advanced training unless you swear to join a faction. It doesn't make that much difference with canisters to replace training except for getting certain higher versions of creations.

Most training yes, I agree. Alwan's faction exclusively has shaping skill point training though. In addition the top spells are available fairly early and they are cheap. For a servile I found between this training and the girdle of victory, shaper robe, black pearl talisman, and tribal fetish I was able to reach level 8 to 9 in all shaping skills without ever investing a single skill point.
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Originally Posted By: lifeguardernie
i joined the trakovites to get training and did their jobs up to the shredbugs quest which is quite frankly really wrong and now i am betraying them every chance i get will this stop me from joining anyone else?

If you haven't done the shredbug quest yet, I don't think you'll be cut off from any of the other factions.
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