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Recommended Level for Stoneworks/Assassin?[G5]

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I finally made my way through the Stoneworks to the end and man is it hard! I've tried the fight every which way and I can't seem to get the upper hand. I kill the dark golem, but the last guy (won't say who... spoiler and all) just won't go down. I use up every pod I have but he's relentless.


So what's a good time to try this one? Is it late game? I think I'm about level 18, shock trooper.

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The Stoneworks can be pretty tough for some characters, so if there are any sidequests you haven't done it's not a bad idea to do them before going in. If you have enough mechanics, you can get some of the golems to fight on your side, and with leadership you can get the dark golem to turn on its master as well, once you've done enough damage.


What creations are you using?

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I am using 2 clawbugs and 3 roamers. I did not have the leadership to command the dark golem. As for getting golems on my side, I assume you mean the ones that are not yet finished. I brought them to life and they turned on me. Or perhaps you mean the 2 in the maze. I think I screwed that one up because I flipped the switch BEFORE meeting the golems. Maybe I should have got their attention first and then ran for the switch?


Anyway, one thing I do need to do for sure is get a better sword. I'm just using the Empathy blade.

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The fights go way easier if you have 7 leadership to control the unfinished golems. You don't need to control the dark golem, but it helps. Make sure you are hasted since with 5 creations you should get a couple extra attacks per round. You might be better healing your party with spores and spells rather than fighting yourself.


There aren't many better blades except the Oozing blade in Lerman's Pass this early in the game, but you probably will have trouble there if you are having trouble here.

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For blade, I was thinking of getting 1200 gold steel shaped blade (14 - 70 HP) and enchanting it with something. Maybe fire. BUt I'm not sure just how valuable the extra strength and dex from the Empathy Blade for creations is. Maybe I should just keep using it, stand back during the big fight, and use magic to support the creations like you said.


To check leadership, I went back to he beginning of the Stoneworks and made sure i put one more point into leadership. I was able to obtain the unfinished golems, but the self destructed pretty quickly. I guess that is because of my lack of leadership? The message didn't indicate that. It just said they were "old" or something.

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The first golems in the northeast die before you go into the room with the bad energy field. However, there is another pair of golems who will help once you escape the energy room. They are in the southwest corner. They are extremely helpful. Also, they don't die. They will follow you (annoyingly so) until you leave.

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My last playthrough, I dealt enough damage with my 2 bugs and 2 plated bugs to kill the golems, kill the helper golems, kill the dark golem after taking him over, and kill the master of the area, with only 1 essence pod.

All I can say is: do all the sidequests you can before attempting the stoneworks.

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Thanks all. I went through again and this time made sure I had leadership 7, which really wasn't a problem because I think I leveled 2 times just fighting the regular golems on my way to the end.


I was able to get the golems to help me. It made all the difference in the world. Even not controlling the dark golem, it was a piece of cake.

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The unfinished golems are unnecessary and, like I did, can be killed immediately for the exp. If you're having trouble with 7 plated bugs, something is wrong. With 2 bugs and 2 plated bugs, life regeneration, war blessing, shielding, and sometimes speed (I think), it was a piece of cake on hard.

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