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Rentar's keep [SPOILERS]


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I have figured out how to turn off the stone golem generators. I am having a problem with one of the switches. No matter how many times I turn it off, it remains on. It controls the golem generator right outside Rentar's room. That just about makes it imposssible to get into the room. Is this a glitch in the program? I am using the 1.01 version (Windows).

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I think that switch is meant to be unswitchoffable - after all if you beat this level you win the game, so you do deserve to fight a few golems. [EDIT: Apparently you need mechanics skill 16 to deactivate it.]


There are different types of golem all of which need a different type of spell to kill them. There are red ones, yellow ones and green ones I seem to recall. Try fireblast, lightning spray, and icy rain on each one they are all vulnerable to something.

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Spending any length of time reading the posts in this forum is likely to result in a major plot spoiler. But since many people who like this game will like it for reasons other than the plot, keeping the plot secret isn't a huge deal.


Dikiyoba hates anti-spoilerism, since, in Dikiyoba's experience elsewhere, it tends to result in

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Originally written by TomH:
Is that the end of the game? It seems as though there is more to it. What about Koth and the surface plot to destroy Avernum?
If you've been through Khoth's library and cleared out the base under Erika's Tower, you've learned all there is to know in A4 about both of those things.
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