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A4 - Who's it better to kill

David W

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Originally written by JP:
I choosed to aid battlemaster Crewl. Is there a way to get a quest to attack Anatolia or to have her attack you?
I would like to attack Spire, they are allied with the Darside Loyalist afterall, but would rather not be the aggressor.
Yes. Just tell the Battlemaster that the Spire Queen wanted him dead (if you don't know that talk to her first). He will then give you the quest to assainate her first.

Don't forget to leech the arena first. wink

- Archmagus Micael
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Originally written by radix malorum est cupiditas:
If you tell her that you're going to kill her, the entire town rises up against you. If you just attck her then only those that can see her rise up against you.
Whoa, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info, EDIT : Infernal666hate. Whoops. I got you and Inthrall mixed up. Although I'd probably still tell her first, first because it's a bit more honorable, second because Spire already is quite easy to destroy, so let's not make it any easier, shall we? wink
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